Ninjago Short Story #1

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  "I...I can't believe we're ninjas...." I murmured to Sarah as we were whisked away by The Bounty.

  "Well, BELIEVE IT! I TOLD YOU I WAS A NINJA! I TOOOOLD YOUUUUU~!" She sang/screeched as she griped on to my shoulders.

  "This is crazy!" I admit. It really was. Sarah and I were just at my house, chilling (aka fangirling) when Sensei Wu came. It took a while for him to convince our parents, but he said we were the destined gray and purple ninja! And that's how we ended up on their ship, getting ready to fight Serpentine.

  "Yeah it is!" She agreed. "It's almost too good to be true...All of our lives, we've thirsted for excitment and adventure. And here it is!" She did a lot of weird hand-movements that represented her emotions.

  "Ah..there they are." A rusty voice called. We turned around. "Ninja, these are the other ninja I was telling you about. Valerie, Sarah. These are the ninja." Sensei Wu introduced.

  "But Sensei-" Jay started.

  "-they're girls!" Kai finished. How come in almost every single fanfiction, he is the one saying there can't be any girls on the team?

  "Butts are for sitting, Jay. And Kai-" Sensei smacked Kai in the back of his head with his staff. "-do not judge on ninja on their gender, but on their attitude and devotion." He said as Kai murmered a small 'ow..' and dropped the subject. 


Sarah's POV (cause I can)

  I looked over to Valerie for assurance. After all, she was the one who was a part of this fandom. Why she never told me, only god knows. The white one (Zane, I believe his name was) approached us, he began to observe us. Not in the pervy way, though.

  "I sense these two will be formidable oppenents. I pity anyone who will have to go up against them." He compliments. Valerie bows.

  "Thank you, Zane. I hope that we will live up to your expectations."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2014 ⏰

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