kailani sat in zion's room as she listened to brandon and charlotte argue on the phone about her and as much as she wanted to laugh and make a joke about it, it wasn't a joke she kind've felt bad but for her to assume that kailani even wanted her man or anything to do with him from the jump was rude of her.

her sly ass comments aren't making the situation any better.

"charlotte what the hell do you want me to do?" brandon's voice blared through the thin walls making kailani let out a deep breath while looking at her phone hoping the boys would come back soon, they went to the market to get groceries for dinner and hadn't been back yet.

"i can't put her on a flight back to canada she's zion's bestfriend" brandon groaned loudly making kailani laugh at his response to whatever insane thing charlotte requested

she got up and walked to brandon's room leaning against his door frame as he faced the other way holding his head, he had no shirt on and a pair of sweats that hung low while promise by jagged edge played lowly in the background as his red lights turned a different color before he clicked it and made it stay red, his room was lowkey a vibe.

brandon irked her soul but she'd be a liar if she said he wasn't finer than wine but his personality could cancel it all at times," charlotte i have no intentions of getting with her i know what i said before she got here but it was a joke" brandon let out a sigh throwing his head back

kailani nearly scoffed at the sound of hearing him say he wouldn't get with her as if he wasn't her me in his arms singing about how we could be a good thing.

men really ain't shit.

"you're being ridiculous i'm not arguing about this anymore you should've never said what you said to begin with, she doesn't like me and i don't like her so you were out of pocket i look dumb trying to defend the stupid comment anyways" brandon placed his hand on his hip as if he meant business

kailani never thought she'd hear him say something like that in this lifetime, guess men might be shit after all.

she watched as brandon hung up and threw his phone into the wall before running his fingers through his hair and plopping onto his bed, he looked up at the girl and scoffed shaking his head, "you heard it all?" he asked as she nodded

"well you were kind've loud" kailani shrugged earning a small laugh from brandon before looking back at the floor

i wanna be down by brandy came on and smirked it was one of her favorites, "hm i guess you do have more taste then i thought" kailani spoke her thoughts out loud watching brandon smile and pat his bed

kailani walked in and sat down looking around his room this time taking in every detail, it was so cozy and reminded her of brandon in every way possible.

"i didn't mean to cause this much of a rift between you and your girl" kailani fiddled with her fingers looking anywhere but at brandon

"it's not your fault it's kind've mine but she was wrong for saying what she said and assuming" brandon finally admitted earning a surprised look from kailani

"well what did you say that she's on kailani brown must die mode?" kailani finally asked as brandon laughed

"when we first got word you were coming i made a joke about how good you looked and being the first person to win your heart over but it was a joke and charlotte found out and she's been uptight about it ever since" brandon said shaking his head

good thing • brandon arreaga (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now