This Is Too Intense

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'That is understandable. I mean, Aragorn, look at them! Boys and old men! How we are going to win, tell me how!' The fear is taking over. My voice falters. 'Hey, hey' Aragorn takes my face firmly in his hands. 'Look at me' I do wat I am told. 'I have hope we are going to win this' He reassures me. 'Why are you here then? I do not believe that the Valar send you to us, only to die in a fight before it all ends..'

'Do you think so?' I can hear the tears in my voice.

Yeah I am emotional unstable! Way to go girl. One plus point, Aragorn has all his hope vested in me.

Yeah me.

I swallow. 'How do you have faith in me?' Aragorn smiles lovingly at me and my hearts skips a beat. 'Because I love you'

There, he said it again!

I know my eyes are swollen by the unfallen tears as he embraces me. I look right into his eyes and he only smiles. 'But, why? Why would you love me?' He tightens his grip, pulling me more snugly into his embrace. 'Because you bug me, weirdo. Duh' I laugh at his words, words that I taught him. He smirks. 'I love you Sara, because of who you are. The girl with her bravery and yes you make me crazy sometimes, with your comments. But I love you as a whole' This time I can hold the tears back and they fall freely from my eyes. He comes closer so our lips are almost touching. 'I love you' And then he kisses me. He pulls back, still smirking. 'I love you' And he kisses me again. And all the time, I am breathless. When he pulls back again, I breathe deeply in. 'I love you too' I whisper and the smile he gives me is the most beautiful I have ever seen.

Aragorn and I return together to the armory. I know I wear a Mithril vest, but I still want a chain mail. Aragorn helps me into the thing and I help him. I turn to pick up his sword, but Legolas is faster and hands it to him. Aragorn looks up as Legolas stands before him. He takes the sword and nods in thanks. I smile.. This is good.

'We have trusted you this far. You have not led us astray. Forgive me. I was wrong to despair' But Aragorn shakes his head. 'Ú-moe edhored, Legolas'

Is it okay now?

They smile at each other so I think they are good again. I look up to the sound of metal on metal. Gimli wrestles with a shirts of chain mail. 'We had time, I'd get this adjusted' He says and I chuckle.

Oh Gimli

He gets the shirt on, and drops the bundle to the floor. It lands in a heap. 'It's a little tight across the chest' We all nod in agreement as a horn sounds from outside. 'That is no Orc horn!' Legolas says as he turns to the sound. He runs out of the armory, with us on his heels. 'Open the gate!' Soldiers scream and the gate opens. An army of supermodels comes into view.

Théoden walks past us, his mouth drops open in surprise. Now I see that this are Elves. A elf with long black hair in his armour leads the Elves to the king and bows his head in respect. 'How is this possible?' Théoden stammers. 'I bring word from Elrond of Rivendell. An alliance once existed between Elves and Men. Long ago we fought and died together' The elf says and he notices us. He smiles at Aragorn and Legolas. 'We come to honor that allegiance' He adds. Aragorn steps forward. 'Mae govannen, Haldir' He says happily.

Haldir is his name then.

Haldir extends his hand to greet Aragorn but the man grabs Haldir in a huge embrace. I chuckle om the Elf's stunned face but hugs Aragorn back. 'You are most welcome' Aragorn adds as he release the Elf. Now Legolas steps forward and they clasp each other on the shoulder as a greeting. I hear Gimli grunt. I hush him. 'We are proud to fight alongside Men once More' Haldir says to Théoden as the king also nods his head in respect.

The Tenth Walker - Aragorn FanfictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora