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The rules of the contest are very simple and straight to the point.

1. You must add this book to your library

By adding this book to your library, you will be informed whenever there are any updates or changes to the contest.

2. You must enter your story by January 1st 2018.

This will insure that the judges are able to judge your stories in a timely manner by not getting overwhelmed by new entries. IF YOU PARTICIPATED LAST YEAR, RE-ENTRIES ARE ACCEPTED

3. You must include the hashtag #KiwiStyles in your tags.

This will allow all contestants to be easily found by judges and by their competition.

4. Your story/ book must be at least five parts.

This insures the judges that you have actually put some thought into your work. The more parts, the more positive feedback you can receive from us.

5. You must follow the judge over your category.

This will allow the judges to receive some sort of compensation for the time they are kindly taking out of their schedules to grade your stories. However, NO BRIBING is allowed.

6. You must tag at least THREE Active accounts

This allows the word to get out to other Harry Styles accounts and more. The accounts MUST be active or you will either be disqualified or have to tag three new ones

7. You must indicate your participation on the 'Categories' part of this book.

This allows the judges to get a feel of how many people will be competing.

8. You must only add your story to a category that is not being judged by yourself if you are a judge.

This allows the contest to be fair. Just because you are a judge, does not mean you will automatically win. Most judges have popular accounts, which means they have proven themselves to be great writers.

9. You must only enter a maximum of two stories

This allows other accounts to have a chance. Your stories may be in the same category or mixed up.

9. You must use the password given to show that you understand all the terms



The Kiwi Styles Awards  // H.S and 1D Awards[CLOSED]Where stories live. Discover now