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“kiYORA, huh.”

Tenn Kujo’s harsh expression did not waver as he read the article. If anything, his scowl became more pronounced. “Looks like Kujo-san is finally making his move. That’s surprising.”

“What’s surprising?” Gaku Yaotome asked.

TRIGGER sat in their break room at Yaotome Productions. Ryuunosuke Tsunashi raised his eyebrows. “kiYORA. I heard she’s making her debut soon.”

“About time she did. If she’d kept up this nameless act the public would lose interest in her eventually.” Tenn shut the magazine and tossed it onto the coffee table.

“I thought you would’ve given her a but less flak for this, Tenn,” Gaku said. “You're the one hiding your personality from the public."

Tenn’s eyes flared with anger for a moment. “Is that really how you want me to show myself? You've got to be kidding me, you immature oaf.”

Gaku rolled his eyes, but Ryuu stopped them. “Cut that out, guys. Not this thing again.”

Tenn sighed and stared at the cover of the magazine face-up on the coffee table.

We’ll see how this all goes.

“What do you think of our new idol, sister?”

The house accommodated only the Kirasaki brother and sister. As they sat down to dinner, Masumi asked his sister of her opinion.

Saika tapped her chopsticks on her chin twice before reaching for a slice of beef. “Rei-chan’s a strange person, to be honest with you. I mean … she seems kind of quiet, really. But she doesn’t strike me as the unfriendly type.”

“Awkward, you mean?” Masumi asked. “I get it. Are you worried that it will be a problem?”

“Personally I don’t really mind …” Saika said after a moment of consideration. “I mean, I can work with awkward people. But it’s her I’m sort of worried about.”

Masumi rolled his hand, gesturing for her to go on.

“I mean, the fans like idols with good humour, or at least idols with cute personalities,” Saika continued. “Rei-chan - uh … she feels kind of like a rock. Now if she were a guy … kind of mysterious, eccentric guy, that would be pretty cool. But she’s not.”

“She can’t be just like that,” Masumi said. “In fact, Saika, you didn’t notice that Rei-kun was struggling.”

“Struggling? How?”

“She looked a bit uncomfortable when she came into my office earlier. I’m not sure what it was, but it’s possible that she may be holding herself back.”

Saika looked a little crestfallen. “Ah. It might’ve been my fault,” she admitted. “Maybe I was a little too pushy.”

“Possibly.” Masumi couldn’t help grinning. “You’re a verbal freight train, you know what I mean?”

“A verbal freight train.” Saika looked so indignant Masumi had to laugh.

“Okay, sorry. You might have to get rid of that habit anyway. But back to business - ” Masumi straightened his expression. “Yes, it may have been you. But it might be Rei-kun herself, too.”

“How so?”

“Perhaps she’s not that good with unfamiliar people. That may be the case,” Masumi explained. “Didn’t you use to meet these kinds of people in school?”

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