<3 Alek and Me <3

Start from the beginning

“I wrote a story for my girl and made a cover for it. It’s for our anniversary of dating for two years. Shh, don’t tell her.”

“Alek!” I started, sitting up straight.

“That’s not all I’m giving her though.” He said with a childish-taunting tone.

“Ok, just don’t tell me any more or I might have the urge to tell her. Well do you want to go get some coffee at the Starbucks in the mall?”

“Wait uh,” I heard him rummaging through stuff. “Found my wallet.”

“Where was it this time?” I giggled

“You don’t want to know.”

“So where was your wallet this time.” I said sipping our caramel frappe. I couldn’t help staring at his beautiful smile. After two weeks, it’s need to see him smile the eternity away.

“In my jeans pocket.” He smiled an evil grin to the tan wallpaper.

“Which pocket?” I teased.

“You know, the one in the dirty clothes bin.” He stammered like he didn’t know what he was talking about.

I just smiled and looked at his new Coldplay T-shirt.

“Here’s your present!” he pulled out a book and a box wrapped in neon green wrapping paper.

“You weren’t kidding about the book. ‘The Auto Biography of Madykel Hayla.’” I smiled as I read the cover and unwrapped the gift. “Nice, three wishes! Any rules?”

“Nope.” He just sat there and smiled.

“Oh, uh. Wish number one, I wish for unlimited wishes…”

“If I die young, bury me in satin. Lay me down in a bed of ros-“my phone sang.

“Oops. Brb.” I walked outside and at under a green umbrella in a very hard chair.

“Sis, grab your bike, ditch your boy, and come to the hospital right now!”

“What happened?” I was about to go into panic mode: scream my head off.

“Well, mom’s pregnant,” she said in a sweet little-perfect-angel tone. “Do the math!” she yelled and hung up.

“Oh my gosh.” I said to no one.





























&lt;3 Alek and Me &lt;3Where stories live. Discover now