Peter continues to glare at me. Stiles moves back to the table. Scott moves his hand from my back and leads me to the table. I stand between Stiles and him, glancing at Peter from my peripheral vision. Scott loops his arm around my waist, both of our sides touching. Why is he so protective of me? Stiles is protective, but he didn't grab on to me. Why did Scott do that?

        "What about you?" Derek leans back up against the table.

        "Yeah," Stiles stares straight at the table, answering instead of Scott. "If you want me to come-"

        "Not you." Derek tells him with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

        "Got it." 

        "I don't know about Erica. But if Boyd's still alive, we have to do something." Scott answers and looks back at Peter, who just looks away annoyed. "We have to try."


        "Who's the other girl? The one locked in there with Boyd?"


        I'm proud of myself for talking Derek into letting me come with them. Derek was very adament about not letting me come until I reminded him what happened with Peter and I. If he leaves us alone, there's a good chance that we are going to try to kill each other. That's the only reason he agreed. Scott didn't like the idea anymore than Derek did. That's how I ended up in the backseat of the Camaro. 

        Derek parks the car down a dark alley. The two of them climb out as I unbuckle my seatbelt, waiting for one of them to move their seats forward. Instead, both of them slam their door shut once they are out. Derek even locks the doors. I climb over the middle console, confused. What are they doing? I know I didn't say anything the whole ride, but they didn't forget about me did they? 

        I knock my knuckles on the glass. "Derek?"

        Derek spins around, keys in hand. "What?"

        "Aren't you forgetting about someone?" I grab ahold of the door handle. The door doesn't open. I reach across to the driver's side and try his door. Nothing. I try over and over again, growing frustrated. Where the hell are the buttons? "You used the child locks?!" I yell at them when I see a hole in the side of his door, where he yanked the button to the child locks out. He locked me in and yanked it out, so I couldn't get out. 

        I climb back over to Scott's side. I bang my fist on the window. "Are you kidding me? Let me out."

        "You're not coming, Chloe." Derek shoves his keys in his pocket.

        "I can help you guys!" I shout.

        Scott hangs his head, avoiding my eyes. "It's too dangerous, Chloe. I'm sorry."

        At that, they start to walk away from the car. I slam my hand against the window, furiously. I thought I was proving to them that I could handle myself. I lean myself over the console, back to the small hole. I shove two fingers inside, hoping to grab on to some kind of wire. Maybe he didn't pull the whole thing out. I come up short. 

        Just think. There must be another way. I could always break the glass, but I would prefer that to be my last option. Any car should have another way to undo the child locks. I sit back up and open the glove box. Please still have the manual in here. I shove random papers to the side. A light tan books sits on the bottom, covered in dust. The words 'Owner's Manual' are printed on the top. I flip to the index. A picture of a trunk captures my attention.

        Wait. I have an idea. I whip around, analzing how the backseat are. I climb in the backseat, fingers running along the top of the seats, where they connect to the back. My fingers dip down and hook around a latch to pull up. I pull up and lean back as the seat moves forward. Yes! I push the seats down all the way, climbing on top of them. I stretch my through the space between the driver's seat and the door to press the trunk button. My finger presses the button and I hear the sweet sound of the the trunk popping open.

        I laugh, happily. I duck my head down and crawl through the hole into the trunk. Once I get far enough in, I push my right hand against the lid, pushing it up. I crawl out of the trunk, a pleased smile on my face. Running to the back side of the building, I see the ladder that they must have used to get to the roof. I remember exactly how they planned on getting inside.

        About eight minutes later, I find myself in the small shaft that Stiles was telling us about earlier. I move myself against the wall, freezing when I hear fighting going on on the other side of the wall. I wiggle closer to the hole in the wall that Derek punched through. Stiles wasn't kidding when he said the place was small. 

        "Boyd!" I hear Allison's yell from the other side of the wall. What is she doing here?

        I push myself out of the wall just in time to see Boyd yank his claws out of Scott's chest, who looked seconds from dying. I race into the vault, catching Scott as he falls to the ground from being lifted in the air. Blood is coming out of his mouth. His weight surprises me a little and we half fall to the floor until I use my strength to lift us back up.

        "Chloe?" Scott gasps, leaning all of his weight against me.

        I loop my arm around his back as Boyd and another girl race out of the vault. "You can yell at me later." 

        Derek swiftly marches out of the vault, grabbing on to Allison. I lead Scott towards them, feeling himself begin to support himself a little bit. 

        "Don't touch her!" Scott yells when Derek harshly holds on to her.

        "What were you thinking?" Derek releases his grip on her.

        Allison gasps for air. "That I had to do something."        

        "She saved our lives." Scott defends her.

        Derek angrily points his finger at Scott, noticing me, but deciding now is not the time to yell at me. "Yeah, and what do you think they're gonna do out there? Do you have any idea what we just set free?"

        "I could have helped them. You didn't have to do that, Allison." I speak only to get a glare from her in response.

        "You want to blame me?" She raises her voice. "Well, I am not the one turning teenagers into killers."

        "No. No, that's just the rest of your family." Derek says as she begins to walk away.

        Allison turns back around. "I made mistakes. Gerard is not my fault."

        "And, what about your mother?" I think back to that night. 

        Allison shakes her head, not understanding. "What do you mean?"

        Derek glances at Scott, who has one arm around my shoulders and his back to the vault door. "Tell her, Scott."

        "What does he mean, Scott? What does he mean?"


So, I have been crazy busy the past week. That's why I am just now updating. I literally wrote this chapter in an hour. Hopefully, there's no mistakes. Sadly, the month of September is insanely busy for me. Every weekend, I have something going on, so it will be very hard for me to update. Please understand.

Anyways, this chapter was interesting, wasn't it? Some cute Schloe moments. I think my favorite part was when Chloe stood up to Peter. How great was that? I was writing this and I just thought that would be really good for Chloe to do. 

Chloe is pretty brilliant. I love that about her. She was able to get out of the car and find the boys. I didn't want her to be a part of the fight, but I still wanted her to be there. This was the best way to make that happen.

Question: What was your favortie part of this chapter?

So, yeah!

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