Chapter 7: Little White Church

Start from the beginning

‘Are you enjoying your time?’ Kimberly asked. 

‘I sure am. It’s beautiful.’ Jimi replied. ‘Are you okay?’ Jimi saw a something sad into Kimberly’s eyes. 

‘To be honest, yes.’ She whispered. 

‘Is it Steven?’ Kimberly nodded. 

‘I understand.’ 

‘It’s just… a bit difficult.’

‘It will be okay, Kim.’ 

‘I know that.’ They gave eachother a hug.‘Where’s your wife?’ 

‘There.’ Jimi pointed behind him. They looked at Karen’s back. She stood close to the water, she was looking at the sea. The wind blew through her hair. 

‘Is there something wrong with Karen?’ Kimberly sounded a bit worried. It was November 28. Schlap and Kimberly decided to marry on the beach somewhere in the south. 

‘She has the same as you.’ Jimi said. ‘Steven and her were really close friends. It’s a bit difficult for her, I guess.’ Kimberly looked to Jimi. 

‘Do you think she doesn’t want me to marry Schlap?’ 

‘Of course not, silly. And if that was the case, it was too late. You’re already husband and wife.’ Kimberly nodded. 

‘Yo Jimi! Whiskey!’ Phillip shouted. He stood by another table. 

‘Can I?’ Jimi asked. 

‘You go, I see Schlap is talking to my mother. I don’t want her to tell him awkward stories about me. ’ she tried to laugh and walked away. 

‘Here bro.’ Phillip gave Jimi his drink. 

‘Where’s Rebecca?’Jimi asked. 

‘Talking to one of Kimberly’s girlfriends. They know eachother from an early job.’ 

‘Oh, that’s funny.’ 

‘Where’s Karen?’ 

‘There.’ Jimi pointed to the sea. He saw that Karen turned around and she looked right into his eyes. 

‘What’s wrong with Kiki?’ Phillip asked. 

‘Steven.’ Jimi said. 

‘Go to her, buddy. She could use some support right now.’ 

‘Do you think about Steven too?’ 

‘Of course. I even cried this morning.’ Phillip had to admit. 

‘What a softie.’ Jimi was joking. ‘Kidding, Karen and I did the same.’ He walked to Karen. 

‘Did you told Kimberly about my feelings?’ she asked. She sounded a bit mad. 

‘Yes.’ Jimi said slowly. 

‘Jimi! Why?’ 

‘I didn’t want to keep a secret for Kimberly.’ ‘

This is supposed to be a new begin for her! And you’re bothering her with my feelings? Look at her. When we arrived her she was smiling and her eyes were twinkling and now she looks even a bit sad. Thank you, Westbrook.’ Karen walked away. Shit. Jimi kicked into the sand. He walked back to Phillip. The only thing he said was: ‘more whiskey’. 

‘What am I? Your slave?’ Phillip asked. Jimi nodded.

‘Is everything okay, Kim?’ Karen sat next to Kimberly on a fence. 

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