The Aftermath Of Salem

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I watched them hall Stiles and Derek out of the cabin on the edge of town and drag them to the center; even though I knew it would, even though I've seen there deaths in a hundred life times and a hundred different eras it still sent chills down my body. The bane of human cruelty washed over me revealing the many deaths to come from this era in history. I drifted from my consciousness, standing in the middle of the field as Stiles and Derek were dragged to the stakes and tied up, into a life line that still haunts me.

I could see what Stiles caused that night, before he even spoke that forbiddingly powerful incantation. There lives flashed before my eyes. Many more than I had seen before, and each one more horrific than the last passed through my being claiming pieces of me as it went. I saw death by fire, poison, suicide, drugs. I saw heart break and loss, pain in the most extensive ways possible. The only thing that kept me together after everything I had just experienced was that with it all came a love that knocked me down and took me from myself. It made me it's own and at that point I knew it was my responsibility to make it easier in every way possible. I also knew that I would be the one to help them in their final life, this was a responsibility I was eager, but at the same time weighted to take on because it wouldn't happen for another three hundred years.

Through my visions it rocked me, his incantation. It chilled me to the bone and causing a a shiver to run through me and sending fleeting visions of every person in towns death. His Latin ripped through the rules of the universe waking other witches powers.

Miss Argent stumbled and then proceeded to fall. Her power of the hunt waking inside of her. Her familiar Mr.Mcall ran to her side. His form waking inside of him too. I smirked at all of there petty souls. They killed a creature of creation, a witch of absolute power. As human they must reap their rewards, however rueful it was to their petty existence.

I walked back to my cabin as Titchuba ran to me with the leather bound journal under her arm. "I found it Miss Martin." She said in the perfect English I knew that she had. Titchuba was my familiar and a beautiful girl. Her fair, porcelain skin rivaled any that I have seen, but the locals never saw who she really was. They saw a black woman that waited on me hand and foot.

When I saw her I always had a smile on my face. Her real name was Malia, witches always had a true name. She was beautiful and I loved you with all my being. She was a coyote instead of a wolf and the uncanniness of it always made me laugh.

As we made it to the cabin, I realized something. "Come with me!" I shouted in shock as I ran into the middle of the woods.

"What's going on?" Malia shouted.

"It will only work in the moonlight!" We ran into the middle of a clearing and sat down. I opened the book and watched it finish their story. Only the beginning to a story of the most intense love and passion, but also the most agonizing pain and loss.

I began to cry at the beauty, as Malia rubbed my back. She kissed my neck and down my back.

"I want you." She whispered into my ear.

"Then take me." I said staring directly into her eyes.

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