Chapter 2: Everything Changes

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Four years after their first album got released, things didn’t went as the four members of Little Big Town hoped. Their record label dumped them so they were on the street again. Phillip got divorced and so did Karen. Phillip and his ex-wife grew apart but no one knew the real reason why Mark and Karen broke up, but Karen told them that it was the difference between them. Mark tours and so does Karen, they had their own schedule, concerts, and barley had time together. That was also true, but not the real reason.

The Little Big Town members decided to go back to their daily jobs so the could make a second record, they didn’t gave up hope. On Friday night they always came together to write songs. This time they were in Karen’s apartment, it’s small but big enough for them. Mostly they were at Kimberly’s house but her husband, and the bands lawyer, had a men’s night at their home. When Karen walked in the room with drinks, Phillip and Jimi were jamming on their guitars while Kimberly was rapping. She started to laugh, when Kimberly is rapping it’s just hilarious. 
‘We should make a rap album!’ Kimberly shouted. 
‘No, just no.’ Karen took a seat on a pillow which laid on the floor. ‘I will probably can’t stop laughing if we perform.’ 
‘Kim can make a solo rap album.’ Phillip said. 
‘that would be fun.’ Kimberly giggled. ‘But I will never leave Karen.’ 
‘Well, that sounds a bit creepy.’ Karen and Kimberly started to laugh. 
‘I don’t get it.’ Jimi said. 
‘I guess it’s a girls thing’ Phillip replied and they both start to play a new song they wrote on the guitar. At the end of the night they were close to being drunk.

While Kimberly and Phillip left Karen’s apartment Jimi was still hanging around. Karen joined Jimi on the couch and drank the last bottle of whiskey, which Jimi loves. Karen wasn’t a big fan. They were having fun, Karen totally forgot all her problems with Mark she had the latest months. Karen couldn’t stop giggling about an awkward story Jimi told her. 
‘So I turned around and Mark smacked a huge pie RIGHT in my face!’ he laughed about his own joke but realized that he said “Mark”. ‘Oh Karen, I am SO sorry!’ 
‘it’s okay.’ she laughed. ‘It was a funny story.’ 
‘I am sorry.’ Jimi repeat. 
‘It’s okay. I’m over him. Bye Mark.’ she lied and drank whiskey right of the bottle. ‘Wow you go girl! I thought you didn’t liked whiskey.’ 
‘I don’t.’ Karen whispered and put her legs on the table. ‘More wine?’ She asked. ‘Hell yeah.’ Jimi says while Karen walked to the kitchen. Jimi saw a bunch of photos under the table. He grabbed them. It were photos from Karen, Karen only. Also a few of the band, on some photos parts are ribbed off, he didn’t care about that he kept starring at the photos of Karen only. 
’What’s that?’ Karen showed up behind his back. 
‘Oh uh… I found these photos.’ he said. 
‘I ripped off Marks face.’ she giggled and joins him on the couch again. ‘I guess I am drunk.’  She put her head on Jimi’s shoulder. He went with his fingers through her hair. 
‘Your hair is lovely.’ He said. 
‘You think so?’ Karen looks at Jimi. It’s now or never, he thinks. Now or never. ‘Karen…’ he starts. 
‘Yes. Jimi.’ she looked up.
‘I… I love you…’

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