Chapter 2

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After the ceremony, my dad and my stepmom congratulated me and my stepbrother. We all decided that we would go to Apple Bees. So, I took my stepbrother home so we both could get changed.

When we reached the house, I hopped out of the car and sprinted up to my room to get changed. I changed into a nice white short sleeve dress and put on some cat flats. I let my shoulder length hair be the way it is and I was out. When my stepbrother, Luke, came out of his room, he came out in a college sweatshirt and basketball shorts. I rolled my eyes at him. "Really?" I asked. He just laughed looking down at his phone again.

I grabbed my purse off of a bench placed infront of my bedroom.

The thing is, I've fancied Luke before he even became my stepbrother, which was two years ago. You're probably thinking that I don't really fancy him anymore. But, this whole stepsiblings thing has made things grow bigger than you'd expect.

"LETS GO!" I yelled and slid on my butt down the stair railing. I hopped off swiftly when I was near the end of the railing. I've always had a way to do things quicker.

Luke slid along with me. It was a big, big, twisty turny staircase and it took, according to my 9th grade times, 50 seconds to get down by sliding.

When we got in the car, I threw in the mixtape that I got from Luke for my 17th birthday. It started to play Out Of My Limit by 5 Seconds Of Summer, and you could say we were jamming. Luke and I never had the kind of brother and sister relationship that includes bickering and him stealing my bras. Well, he has stolen my bra, but only to cover his face when we were having a water gun fight. But what I'm trying to say is we've had that best friend kind of relationship.

The next song on the tape was Close As Strangers by 5 Seconds Of Summer as well. "Thisss song is making me depressedddd," he whined. I hit him in the guts, "This was my favorite song so shut up." He just laughed and looked out the window.

When we arrived at AppleBees, Luke had recieved a text from my dad saying he couldn't make it because of some buisness stuff. Somehow, he always ended up doing this. But it's not his fault. He's the one who pays for everything so I shouldn't be complaining.

But, I guess he decided to leave my stepmom with us. She's awesome and all, but I feel like she's trying too hard. I feel bad for saying that because I think I know lots of reasons why my dad married her.

She had her reading glasses on an her brown hair cascading over her face, looking down at the window.

"Hey guys! Come sit!" she said and waved us over. I sat next to her as Luke took the empty booth.

"So..." My stepmom said,trying to break the ice. "How does it feel being graduates?" Luke and I exchanged a smirk.

"I honestly think it is one of the greatest thing that's ever happened to me," I said. "On my side, I feel as if in not superior enough to be a graduate." My stepmom have Luke a wide eyed look. "What do you mean? You both are straight A students, and you have a scholarship to University Of Oregon!"

"That I'm not taking. And I was just kidding about the superiority stuff, I'm enjoying leaving high school." I laughed as relief flooded over my stepmom.

They continued their conversation that I blurred, looking at the group of kids from my school that Luke hangs out with.

Luke seemed to notice, "I'm gonna go say hi to my friends. Wanna come?" he asked me. I had never met any friends of his.

I was about to reject him when he took my hand and dragged me over to his friends.

One guy with blonde buzzed hair noticed Luke. "HEY DUDE!" he yelled. Everyone shushed him.

I noticed Luke still hadn't let go of my hand.

"Woah." they all said. Great. I just met them and they already hate me. Luke let my hand go.

Luke pulled two chairs from another table and gestured me to sit down in one. I sat down next to Luke and a boy with jet black hair.

He seemed to pay no attention to the conversation and had his eyes fixed on me. "What do you say?" he asked, "let's ditch this place," he said and smirked at me.

Disgusting. He thinks he can linger the ladies into a fishnet and treat them well and feed them but in the end he just stabs us all in the guts. Im not falling for it, not again.

"No thank you. Your obviously taking things as if your a freshman when you should be heading off to college soon," and then, suddenly, I gained my inner Sherlock.

"The hickey on your neck. Obviously you've had an affair with some girl. Nothing long term, or she would be here. I see on the side of your cross necklace you have her name in graved in there. The corners of your mouth have chocolate on them, and you're drinking a Dr. Pepper. Now, lastly, I see ashes on your coat and a lighter obviously sticking out of your pocket. Now, I wouldn't want to have an affair with a guy with a tobacco addiction, right?" I realized the whole table had seen what just went down. "Oh Lord," I mumbled. "Well, I best be getting off." I said, awkwardly grabbing my purse. "Yeah, me too. See you guys," Luke said. They all said goodbye to Luke, not a word for me.

While walking to the booth where my stepmom sat, I whispered to Luke, "I'm so sorry." He laughed. "You were boss," he said, putting an arm around my shoulder. Just that one gesture gave me butterflies, even though it was probably meant to be friendly.

I heard a screech. I turned around, no scene. But everyone was looking at something behind me. I turned to see what they were looking at. I couldn't believe it. I squinted my eyes, blinking a few times, just making sure it was real.

My step mom, right before me, had a knife in her stomach.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2014 ⏰

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