14 ~ ♥ ɢʀᴇᴇᴛɪɴɢꜱ ♥

605 32 70

A.n- sorry for the late update ❤

Third person POV

The boy arrived at a grand tree that was situated in the middle of the forest. The was a small blue on the side and Colby knocked on it, this left Sam confused.

"W-hy are you kn-nocking?" The blonde asked.
"You'll see, love."

The door then opened to reveal a lot of new faces.
"These are my friends, Sammy."
The smaller nodded, understandingily. Colby guided the blonde to where the group of boys sat in a circle.

"Hey boys, I'm back! And we have a new member, this is Sam."

A boy with washed-out pink hair stood up and hugged Sam tightly.
"Welcome to your new family!"
"Th-ank you." Joy filled his body.
"I'm Jake." He then sat back where he once was.

"Hiya Sam, my name is Aawon." A boy with light brown hair said, smiling.
"Nice t-to m-meet you Aa-ron."

"That is Corey." Colby said guesturing towards the boy sat on carpet, playing in the other room.

"Elton and Kevin are up top."

Sam followed the brunette up the windy stairs leading to the second storey. There was two older males joking with each other, one had dark hair and pale skin. Whereas the other had dark skin and hair, they both seemed very nice to the innocent blonde.

"Hey guys! This is Sam."
"He-llo." He smiled as he waved to the others.
"Nice to meet you," The dark skinned boy approached the younger.
"My name is Kevin."
"I'm Elton."

They both shook hands with Sam. He felt very welcomed by everyone, they were so kind and friendly.

Colby then took a hold of the smaller's and pulled him down the stairs.
"They called us the Lost Boys!"
Sam hummed in acknowledgement, although he wondered why they were called that but decided not to question it.

The brunette continued to lead the other through the big house.
"Come on, I need to introduce you to the fairies!"
"Will th-ey l-like me?"
"They'll love you."

Sam smiled, he was so happy with the brunette. They then entered a room down the hall on the first storey. All of a sudden the smell of warm cookies filled the younger's nose.

"Someth-thing smells g-ood!" He exclaimed.
"The fairies love baking for us. Most of our food comes from them."

The boys hands were still connected and Sam grinned down at them, his heart fluttered lightly. Colby pushed the door open revealing a massive kitchen.

"Hi ladies, this is Sam." The brunette introduced him for the third time that day.

"Aw he's so cute." The raven haired fairy said as she flew over for a closer look, her light blue wigs relaxed behind.
"I'm Katrina by the way." She stated before returning to the oven and removing a hot tray of cookies out of it.

Sam nodded, waiting patiently for the others to introduce themselves.
"My name's Xepher." The girl on the counter said as she pushed her ringed fingers through her hair. She had deep red wings and light pink hair.
"I'm Devyn."
"I'm Gabby."
The two girls who were cleaning spoke softly and quietly. Devyn had light green wings and she was brunette, whereas Gabby had dark purple wings that matched her hair.
"It's n-nice to m-m-meet you all." Sam greeted, he meant it- all the times he said it today.

"Anyone want cookies?" Katrina asked holding a plate heaped with chocolate chip cookies.
"Boys! Cookies!" Colby yelled down the hall. Within seconds the group of boys piled into the room, grabbed one and left.

ɴᴇᴠᴇʀʟᴀɴᴅ ღ //ˢᵒˡᵇʸ// ✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora