Chapter 2: Betrayed and Used

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The man kept letting words fall through his tight lips. I was half irritated by his unwanted presence, yet the other half of me wished to know the truth behind his actions. So I waited. "We want you to be part of our operation now, Charlotte Black. You will make our team stronger than it has been."

Annoyed, I snorted rather loudly, which caused the director to stop mid sentence. He raised an eyebrow at me expectantly, curiosity gleamed behind his dark, hard eyes generously as he awaited my first response.

I considered the choice of my words carefully before speaking up, "You don't know what I am." I was glad my voice didn't crack after hours of not using it.

Director Fury tilted his head to a side slightly. His expression was unreadable. Though I guessed most of the time he was an unreadable character. "I have discussed about you with your mother. Mrs. Black has seemed quite pleased with our plan."

My mother. His words were plain as the sky that I couldn't see at the moment. My jaw dropped and I must have looked really lost and confused, for Director Fury creased his scowl and seemed to have crossed his arms. I wouldn't have known because the screen ended just above his chest.

"Has your mother not talked to you about this?"

I was motionless like a status. How could I explain this? The more he said, the more confused and conflicted I was. "My mother left me when I was ten. Since then, I have been living with my aunt and my cousin."

"To be honest, I would expect your mother to inform you upon our plan..."

I could not let him finish. His words bared only nothing but pain to me. "My mum doesn't care about me. She hasn't talked to me in years. She didn't even give me a reason when she left, so why would she start talking to you about me?" I burst and saw a spit flew from my mouth. "Stop lying about this whole thing, okay? Just let me go." My voice dropped and numbness ate at me. My head sank as I found it harder to hold the man's eyes. It felt as if he was reading me, and my failing misery of life. I would be no use to him. I could barely fight after all these years of laziness. "Please let me go."

I was glad the man was too busy looking around him in search of something to hear my last remark. The director held a file in his hand and scanned it with his good eye. After a while when he confirmed something that he had questioned in his mind, he turned the document towards me. There was a inked signature at the bottom. My mother's name crawled along the material.

''See, I'd imagined we have already gotten everything sorted out.'' Director Fury explained in a slow tone that suggested he was watching my reaction tentatively. I refused to meet his eyes as I felt myself rooted to the ground. My limps were cold and lifeless, there was nothing left in me that felt functional in that precious moment.

''Without my acknowledgment? I don't think that would work at all,'' I managed to let those words fall through my taut lips.

Director Fury dropped his hands, yet his eye was locked with mine. Momentary silence filled the air. My stomach lurched with nerves and shooting thoughts that I could not get a grip on. ''Apologies, Miss Black. But this is not how things work in SHIELD. Contract is a contract. As long as you have finished your part here, you can return to your place, and we would gladly do the honor to wipe you off the grid.'' Nick Fury gestured with his hand like a magician trying to persuade his audience that his lies were nothing but truth.

I bit the inside of my cheeks and realized I had no other options. ''I don't get to say no, do I?''

I would find a way home. I swore to myself. No, I promised myself.

A sly smile lit up the director's face. ''I'm glad we've gotten that straight,'' He remarked and glanced to his side before looking back at me. Unspoken orders were given in sheerly a blink of eyes. A knot tightened in my chest. Eagle threatened to change sharp on my pinkie.

''Now all we need to complete is stage one of our project.'' Nick Fury's words were turned and flipped in my head. I wondered if he was going to kill me and slice me up in order to test my genes.

''We are going to test your ability and strength.''

I did a double take. Frowning, I fixed gaze with him quizzically. He continued none the less. ''This room that you are standing in? It's invented by one of our team members. If you want to know, his last name is Stark. To him, it's one of his little toys. To us, we use this to train our best men. This toy of Stark's will be able to detect your fears and provide an environment so real that you will do your best to survive.''

I got it. ''I don't like what I'm hearing, but I will just to face the challenge or whatever fears that are hidden in me, right? And then, I'm done.''

He shrugged and pulled a face that suggested the survival test wasn't as easy as I had imagined.

I waited for him to give me more information but after another nod directed to the side, Nick Fury turned towards me and said, ''Good luck.''

My mouth dried when the screen flickered into nothingness. The room was still a shade of blinding white. The air was was motionless and smelled of emptiness.

Then, it all changed.


And I have decided to end this chapter with a little cliff hanger:) If you like the story, please votee:) It would mean the world to me!

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