chapter 2

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We were finally being let into the venue and I was beyond freezing. It was probably around 30° outside and it didn't help that I was wearing a crop top that showed off my tiny bit of cleavage and far too much belly to be out in the cold. Despite how frozen I felt, I was way too happy to be there to care that much. The four of us meandered into the building, Elena showing her id while the rest of us got X's sharpied thickly onto the back of our hands.

I stood next to Ray, tightly gripping her hand and nearly squealing as we found our way to stand in front of the stage. Ray and Ann stood in the center and slightly to the left, I was next to Ray and Elena was on my other side. While everyone filled in, I took the time to take in my surroundings. When I last saw the Wrecks, it was at this same venue, but I never got tired of seeing all the details and paying attention to the things no one noticed.

The night started a bit slow, maybe because I could not wait for the band to play, but it quickly went by.

First band up was a band I'd never heard called Badflower and they were awesome. At some points, the lead singer seemed to sear your soul with his eyes and I was only slightly frightened with that. Despite that, I really loved their music.

Next up was Weathers. I'd heard of the band, but never listened to any songs by them. I realized as soon as they started playing their first song that I had a new band to obsess about. It helped that the lead singer was super duper hot.

It was sad to see both openers go, but once the prep for the Wrecks started and the ambient music started, I felt my heart do a somersault with excitement.

"It's almost time!" Ray squeaked.

"I'm dying." Elena whined, her face a mixture of enthusiasm and upsetedness that she had to wait.

"SomeBODY ONCE TOLD ME-" Ann started, getting us distracted as All Star by Smash Mouth played. Nearly everyone in the audience sang along and we screeched the words out.

"HEY NOW, YOU'RE AN ALL STAR!" We yelled, all of us jamming in our own awkward way.

As it ended, Ann sighed.

"Yknow, Nick Anderson said it best, 'All Star is the Bohemian Rhapsody of this century'." She gazed into the distance and I laughed.

"He's definitely not wrong." Elena nodded, smiling. A song by NSYNC started and most of the crowd was singing again. It wasn't until Mr. Brightside was blaring that I was back to being totally insane and shrieking.

After a song or two, the lights started to dim and the crowd went wild. I joined in the screaming, my smile growing impossibly big and not leaving.

They started with one of their newest songs, Figure This Out. The girls and I lost our minds. We jumped and shouted the lyrics, dancing a bit and yelling the words at each other and the band. Westen, one of the guitarists, thought it was funny and had a smirk that stayed during our screaming. And just like that, the first song was over.

Once Nick Anderson started talking, I was done. My grin grew, if it was even possible, and I couldn't help my 'celebrity' crush on Nick from growing more. The entire show I couldn't help but admire the band's amazing talent, but also the band members themselves. Aaron was such a cutie and Westen, too. Schmizz's on his knees guitar playing had me shook and Billy... well, he's just Billy.

By the time they finished their set, I was exhausted from jumping and yelling, but I didn't want it to be over.

"Thank you, Denver!" Nick shouted at the end and we all cheered, the audience roaring. It was no surprise to me, but the Wrecks were really going places. They were a hit. No doubt that in a few years, their songs would be on the radio at least once a day, and their concerts would be four times the size of this one.

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