5 - A Beautiful Day

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Surrounded by uncertaintey,
you keep walking home.
It's getting further and further,
all you want is take off.
Maybe tomorrow will be brighter,
wandered the naaive soul.
It sure isn't good enough now,
determined your goal.

Piper Chapman was used to this.

She wasn't surprised at all when all eyes in the cafeteria were lifted up as soon as she walked in. It was part of the everyday view for her, and she freaking loved it. The way the air got thick with her presence, the thread filling the atmosphere, the thrill of being in control. She'd worked too hard to get where she was, and pride was an understatement.

Pretty quickly Piper spotted her table, despite the exhausting amount of people walking back and fourth in the space. Same spot, everyday. She's gotten accustomed to only walking into one direction while entering the cafeteria. Before she stepped in, she scanned the area. People everywhere, new faces, new blood.

Her girls, employees for that matter, were all sitting together as usual. Group of girls whom she took long to trust to include in the business. It's a nasty one, you can't trust any bitch. Her short and quiet walk towards them had seemingly thrown enough shadow to straighten them up in their sits. All chatter, giggle, or the tiniest word exchange choked at the sight of her. Piper learned to love the scene, she wasn't offended, not anymore. Power is deterring, especially for the weak ones.

"Morning, ladies." Piper greeted with a soft smile. Yes, she was the boss. But liked to think of herself as just a regular human being, trying to make it through the day. Or in that case, a convicted fallon running a fancy panty business which could be the answer for an okay life after prison. So, a humble smile to start the day was acceptable. Nothing wrong with good vibes in a company.

Hapakuka nodded in agreement. "It is a morning."

Piper's niceness wasn't shocking to any of the other girls eating around the table, that's just how she was. One morning you're on her good side and few hours later everything might change. And it usually did.

"It's a wonderful one, isn't it?" Piper's smile grew goofier. "Is it?"

"Yeah, sure." Hapakuka returned the smile this time, just because it was impossible to look at Piper and get apathetic. After that, the conversation died once again. Piper knew very well her and the girls weren't best partners when it came to talking, but this time even she could sense a horrible tense. But not the kind of tense her presence creates, which she was very aware of, it was a different kind. A foreign tense. Something was up, and Piper had a hard time putting her finger on what exactly was wrong.

Flaca could not make her assumptions more correct when she jumped on her feet and hurried to the food section. "Imma go get you somthin' to eat"

Piper's eyes followed Flaca until she disappeared in the crowd. "I think I'm not hungry." Piper mumbled under her breath, testing in circles the silent ladies. She landed on her first target.

"Maritza, how are you this morning?" Piper started, reading her blank facial expression, which was so not like herself. Marizta was feisty, silly, and quick witted. This showed itself most obviously through one-liners and insults, most of which she shared with her best friend. But right now, nothing came from her like it usually did. Such a mood was a definite sign that something was out of line.

"Yo I'm good Chapman how 'bout you?" She replied shortly, lifting her head from the tray and bringing it back down after receiving a suspecting look from Piper.

"Yeah, great."

Gina was sitting aside, observing the situation, barely touching her food on the tray. Piper caught her gaze to which Gina widened her eyes and tilted her head right. She grabbed her tray swiftly and stood up.

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