Chapter 2

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This has been an incredibly freakish day. Starting with that little horror movie episode in the woods, things have just gotten worse.

 As soon as we stepped on to the bus, I knew something was wrong. There are only about fifteen kids who ride my bus. But today it was packed, only a few seats open. " Uh, did you pick up a new route or something?" I asked the bus driver. " Nope. These kids were all waiting for me at my first stop. Said something about...surprising a friend." he said, looking thoroughly confused. He wasn't the only one.

For the first time, I actually studied the faces filling up the seats. And groaned. " It's to early in the morning for this." I growled under my breath. Rob just smirked. The cause of my irritation was the entire football, and cheerleading teams filling my bus. Oh, the cliches of small town high school. The cheerleaders at my school are either A) rich and snobby B) total sluts or C) all of the above. And I'm a slightly nerdy weirdo so, naturally, we don't get along.

Last week, on Friday, I may or may not have played a prank on Ashley, a.k.a Queen of the school. I won't go into detail, but let's just say she will never look at lime jello the same way again. So, this must be payback. But what were they gonna do? Sing road-trip songs all the way to school?

Whatever their evil plans may be, the bus driver was giving me a dirty look, meaning I needed to find a seat. Except all the seats were full. Where were we supposed to sit? I raised one eyebrow at him, silently asking him. He shrugged, then motioned with his chin to a seat I hadn't noticed before. The seat holding Ashley herself.\

I stepped towards her, giving her my best I-know-you-hate-me-I-hate-you-too-but-lets-pretend-for-the-fifteen-minutes-it-takes-to-get-to-school face. Clearly, she didn't get the message. " I hope you don't think your gonna sit here, freak!" she said in her high, nasally voice. Was she serious? She was gonna pull this on a school bus? Was she too stupid to realize that we were all gonna be late if I didn't sit down?

I looked to Rob for help. When I turned my head, Ashley seemed to notice him for the first time. " Oh, hi Robin!" she said, grinning, flipping her hair, and fluttering her lashes. She has a thing for Robin. Always has. That's how our little feud started. It irritated her to no end that he paid me attention, instead of her.   " Hi Ashley." he said, giving her a slow smile. " Do you need a seat? Why don't you sit with me?" she said, in a false sweet voice. " I'd love to." he said, sitting down.

My jaw hit the floor. WTH?!? I looked from him, to her, and back a few times, pointedly meeting his eyes. He just grinned. The bus started rolling, clearly tired of waiting for me to find a seat. I stumbled, almost falling, causing the whole bus to laugh. And Robin laughed with them.

This made me rather angry. Granted it probably did look funny, but still. I walked to the back, sitting with some football player, shooting down his angry protest with a death glare.

I glared at the back of Rob's head the entire way to school. When the bus finally stopped, I shoved my way to the front, and was almost to the school when Rob grabbed the strap of my bag. " Cass, wait up." he said, yanking me backwards easily. " Actually, I think Ashley is waving you over, so you should probably go." I said, injecting all my mean girl acid into it, trying to shrug him  off. But he's rather strong.   " Aw, Cassia, are you JEALOUS?" he said teasingly, poking me in the ribs playfully.  " Of course not! You can flirt with that.... girl if you want." I snapped. It DID bother me, truth be told. I honestly didn't know why, but it did. Well, I did sorta know. He was my best friend, she was my arch enemy. Of course it bothered me.

Suddenly, Ashley appeared out of thin air, like the witch she was. She latched onto his arm like a leech. " Why don't you come hang out with us? I know how AWFUL it must be to have to talk to this loser." she purred. " Wow, Ashley, don't spare my feelings." I said brightly. She just gave me a sneer.

As my anger rose, so did the chill in the air. My blood turned to ice. I looked down, and noticed that the ground around me was frosted over. This wouldn't have bothered me, accept it was the middle of August. In Georgia. And my fist were frosted, just like the grass.

I caught sight of my eyes in the window. They were ice blue, almost silver ( Which would've been awesome, except they were supposed to be brown). Holy freakshow! That was enough to startle me out of my sudden rage. But not before Rob noticed. He shook of Ashley, and grabbed my arm, dragging me away.

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