ABOUT THIS STORY----- Also 1st Chapter ~> FIRE

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There had been a fire and Carl had saved her - he was a hero. Saving pups and Katie but who was he and what did he want.


Ramona Rena has written many stories of which are in her facebook group Ramona's Stories and Ramona's Stories 2 Set 2.

U can find me on facebook = https://www.facebook.com/B.U.GMAFIALOVER




Start Chapter 1 now :)

On a dark moonless summer night, with only occasional bolts of heat lightning to relieve the blackness, katie stretched her stiff legs as best as she could while driving the rented moving van. All her worldly possessions were stuffed behind her as she drove the long five hour trip. She turned left onto a gravel road, almost there now, almost to her new home in the country and to her new life in nearby Bucharest.

 Off in the distance, an orange, yellow, and red glow flickered on the horizon. A fire! Oh no! katie pulled into the long winding driveway as flames leaped, dancing in the wind, while devouring the old weathered wood barn. She jumped from the van and ran toward the blaze. That barn was supposed to be an animal shelter and headquarters for her new job. katie felt like she was watching a funeral pyre for her new life. What kind of sign was this for her new beginning?

The fire, hot as the hinges of hell, singed her brown hair as she ran into the choking cloud of billowing black smoke. She collided into what felt like a brick wall and her knees buckled.

My Summer ROMANCE :) ----- Also 1st Chapter ~> FIRE [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now