Chapter Two

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Harry whipped around to see the boy himself standing a few feet from him, looking rather solemn.

"You're seriously okay with this?" Harry asked in shock.

"I am."


Draco shrugged. "I'm safe now. Well, next Tuesday, that is."

"Safe from what?"

Draco ran his hand over his arm. "The Dark Lord knew. He was furious with my mother, but he figured he could use it to his advantage if he didn't kill you before the ceremony took place. That's why he didn't give me the mark: so that everything could seem safe to you."

"So why are you safe now? People know that you're the one who let the Death Eaters into Hogwarts last year."

Draco chuckled sadly. "I won't have to go to Azkaban like my father because I'm engaged to the Boy Who Lived. They're rounding everyone up now. I - I hope they don't take my mother."

"They won't," Sirius cut in. "She doesn't have the mark either."

"She lied right to Voldemort's face," Harry said, remembering his almost death. "I could testify if need be."

"Thank you, Potter."

Harry nodded awkwardly.

Master, you should go find your friends; worry about this later.

"You're right."

"Who?" Sirius asked.

Harry made a face. "Oh, my snake, sorry. I always forget that no one else can understand her."

"You have a snake?" Draco asked in genuine curiosity.

"Yeah. Here, come on out, Ssslas."

Ssslas obeyed and slithered out of Harry's shirt and down his arm. She bowed her head to Draco and hissed a greeting.

Draco stepped closer and reached his hand out. Ssslas rubbed her head against it and Draco smiled. Harry didn't think he had ever seen Draco truly smile before. It was kind of nice.

"Well, I'm going to go see Ron and Hermione," Harry announced. "See you both later."

Harry hurried off into the castle and into the Great Hall. He spotted Hermione and the Weasleys over with Professor McGonagall, so that's where he went.

"You are lucky," McGonagall was saying. "It's rare to survive a giant attack."

"What's happened?" Harry asked.

"Harry! There you are!" Ginny ran and hugged him. He hugged her back distractedly.

"What's happened?" He asked again.

"Oh, nothing much," Fred said. "I was nearly killed by a giant but I'm alright now."

Harry grinned. "I'm glad. How're you, George?"

"Doing just fine, thanks for asking. A bit lopsided but I suppose I've got to get used to that now."


Ron shoved his sister out of the way and hugged Harry tightly, before releasing him and backing away extremely awkwardly. "I'm fine. So are the others. Where've you been?"

"In the forest," Harry said truthfully. "I needed a breather. And I made a new friend. I brought her with me."

At his words Ssslas came out of hiding once more and greeted the group with a friendly hiss.

"Wicked," said the twins.

Hermione eyed the snake with interest. "You didn't lose your Parselmouth abilities?"

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