How to Be Annoying While Watching Bohrap

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#1 Sing along in a really bad voice super loud
#2 Eat your popcorn really loud
#3 Cry really loudly at the sad parts
#4 Scream every time Ben Hardy comes into the screen
#5 Ask the person next to you if they like Queen
#6 Scream Ay-oh at the wrong time in the Live Aid concert
#7 Tell the person next to you Queen facts every 30 seconds
#8 Sing the lyrics wrong
#9 Play Queen songs on your phone on full volume
#10 Poke the person next to you every time Rami talks
#11 When music comes on start dancing weirdly
#12 Start crying when Tim leaves
#13 Scream at Bomi Bulsara 
#14 At the end of the movie ask the person next to you, "Did you like it?" and walk away before they can answer

How to Be Annoying -QUEEN EDITION-Where stories live. Discover now