How The Little Boy Became A Scientist

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Dear Diary,

Today is my ninth birthday and I'm heading to the ocean. My good friend Tom will be coming with me. Im so excited. I just started writing this diary to share my experiences with my kids. If I ever have any. At the stage in life I'm not sure if I'll ever get married. My parent tell me I'm still very young and to stop worrying, but I just can't. Though today I'm not going to worry, I'm going to have fun. I haven't been to the ocean yet this year and I'm excited to swim with fish. So many thoughts are making their way to my head. I'm so overwhelmed with excitement. I'll tell you all about my adventures tomorrow after my birthday.


Dear Diary,

Yesterday was the best day ever. I tried to catch a fish, but it slipped from my hands. Tom made me a clock and we're putting it in our house tomorrow. Though I haven't told you the best part. I think I met my future wife. Her name is Amanda and she was the nicest person ever. I talk to her, she's 8 and she's single. She'll be turning nine in exactly 4 weeks. My birthday was the best day ever. I'm done worrying about if I will ever get married. I'll be getting married to Amanda in a couple years. She said so herself. We're going to hang out at the beach again tomorrow. I can't wait to discuss our future wedding plans.


Dear Diary,

Earlier today was very strange. I saw a big clump of salt and touched it. It was freezing! I thought I was going to get frost bite. Luckily I have no signs of it. This is so strange. I called Amanda out, but the clump was gone. When I told her she thought I was crazy. I know I'm crazy, but not when it comes to that sort of stuff. I'm very weirded out and I'm definitely going back. You might not know this about me, but we have a beach house so I can go any time I want. I will figure this out. No matter what!


Dear Diary,

I went back again and noticed the same thing. This time I noticed that the salt in the ocean is cold. How could this be? Am I going crazy? This is strange and I think I might be getting sick with something. I hope I'm getting sick I really don't want to become Delusional. Any way I'm going back tomorrow and I want answers. I'll do what ever it takes to know what's going on.


Dear Diary,

I take back everything I said two years ago. I shouldn't have said that. I was brought to a different world where everything was made of snow and ice. I missed my family and Amanda. They all believed that I died in the ocean. The funny part is I have a grave. My parents are so relieved I'm not dead. Though I suddenly appeared after two years they still don't believe my theory. I don't consider it theory any more I know it's the truth, Jack Frost said so himself. I'm not sure about anything anymore. Though I'm sure that I'm done writing in this diary.


Dear Diary,

I'm thirty now and I'm a scientist. I was looking through my stuff and found this diary. I'm a scientist who discovers strange stuff about our earth. I'd like to thank my adventures as a kid and I'm sorry diary that I stopped writing in you. I'm saying my last words to you before I put you in my memory chest.


Pierre Chambon

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