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" i've been meaning to tell you this taeil oppa

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" i've been meaning to tell you this taeil oppa..so here it goes. i like you! but..its okay if you can't return my feelings.. "

taeil gulped, unsure of the situation he was caught in

confessions had always made him feel nervous and guilty - because he always couldn't return them

the confessions he got were never from the one he really wanted to hear it from

" im..sorry..jae hwa but i really can't return your feelings. but thank you for liking me " taeil spoke slowly, to ensure that his words wouldn't hurt her, patting her head softly afterwards.

" it's okay oppa! you're so nice as always. i'm just glad i managed to let out my feelings that i've been keeping in for so long " the younger student answered cheerfully, making taeil's heart feel at ease.

" i should probably take my leave now. reach home safely " taeil smiled warmly, waving his junior goodbye.

" you too! bye! "

" yah! i've been looking for you everywhere. where have you been?? " kyung mi suddenly appeared out of nowhere, looking irritated.

" mianhe, i had some matters to settle with earlier " taeil answered honestly, smiling slightly at the sight of someone he really wanted to see.

" matters? hmmmmmmmm detective kyung mi is on the case. main suspect? moon taeil. location? in front of the school gate. time? after school. face? suspicious " kyung mi started investigating, making taeil chuckle at her childishness.

" it nothing serious. cmon i'll walk you home " taeil grinned, stuffing his freezing hands into the pockets of his jacket and strolling out of the school gate.

" yah! wait! " kyung mi dashed afted taeil, linking her arms with his right after.

" let me guesssss. you got confessed to didn't you? " she wriggled her eyebrows, slightly shoving taeil.

" i dunno. did i? " taeil teased, as he continued walking down the path with kyung mi by his side.

" aish you're so mean. anywayy, did you accept the confession?? omO are you guys dating now?? " kyung mi squealed, jumping up and down like a little kid.

" don't be ridiculous mimi~ " taeil cooed, chuckling a bit.

" why do you still call me mimi?? it sounds like a cat's name " kyung mi pouted, my eyes wandering around the smooth pavement.

" it's cute " he grinned.

" so you rejected her?? " kyung mi asked in disbelief, partially disappointed but not suprised.

" mhm " taeil hummed, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

" that's like the 5th confession you rejected this year. this makes nO sense at all moon taeil. "

" wait a second- you currently have a crush on someone else don't youuu " kyung mi added,elbowing his side playfully.

" i dunno. do i? "

" taeillllllllll. tell me tell me tell me. pleASE. im your beSt friend so i desERve to know " kyung mi whined, tugging onto taeil's arm.

" i'll think about it " taeil smirked, making kyung mi's eyes droop.

" is she prettyy? " kyung mi asked, looking directly at his face to see his expression.

after a while of silence, taeil nodded, his cheeks turning slightly pink.

" very "

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