chapter one

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You could hear the giggles coming from the Gryffindor girls' dormitory all the way from the Great Hall. Yes, they were that loud.

It was a lovely December night at Hogwarts and outside snow was falling. Every where you go you would hear something about the Yule Ball. Yes, that seems like that major event was tonight. And a certain Slytherin couldn't wait.

Hermione POV
~Earlier That Day~

Every table in the Great Hall was buzzing with excitement in the crisp morning air. I could barely hear the people beside me talking. Oh, which includes Ginny, Parvati, Lavender, and some other girls from our year. Right now, we were on the topic of dates for the ball.

"Hey 'mione! Who are you going to the ball with?" asked Ginny.

"Oh I'm not sure, actually. Who are you going with?" I replied lazily, still gazing into my book.

"Oh just Neville Longbottom."

I nearly spit out my tea.

"Neville Longbottom? As in the Neville Longbottom?"

"Haha yeah, but whatever. He's a pretty good dancer, ya know?"

I look away from Ginny to the Slytherin table. There he is. That stupid pureblood that thinks he is so much better than every person in this school. Well guess what? I mean he's not that great with his platinum hair, gray eyes that sparkle like the sky before a storm...
Hermione snap out of it! You can't have a crush on Malfoy. He will never like you anyway. You're just a little muggleborn.

"Hermione..? Hermione!"

I snap out my daze to see Harry right in front of me. I turn a light shade of pink due to the slight surprise.
"Oh hi Harry, what do you need?" I ask quickly.

"I was just wondering why you are looking so sad lately, I mean cheer up! Its Christmas!"

I look at him in surprise and ask, "Why are you so happy, you find a date or something?"

He turns a bit pink due to my remark. "Haha er... no. Well not yet." He replies hastily.

"Oh okay, well I am going to my first class. See you later, Harry!"

"Well, bye Hermione."

I walk off to my first class, books in my hand, barely aware of my surroundings. I wake up out of my dazed thoughts when I run right into something.

"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention, er.. here let me help you." the figure speaks.

"No, no its fine. I-I got it." I reply shakily. Why Hermione? Why are you acting like this?

I look up to meet the stranger's eyes and they are a familiar stormy gray. I suddenly realize who the tall, blonde boy is. Draco Malfoy. The prince of Slytherin.

He hesitates for a moment before helping me up. Oh god, all eyes are on us. I hate being the center of attention.

He lends me a hand and before you know it, I am back on my feet and ready to go to Ancient Runes. I quickly thank him and walk away. leaving him standing there, frozen in place, thinking about what had just happened.

Finally, I reach the Ancient Runes classroom and sit down at my desk. I can already tell this will be a long day.


Hey Guys!

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This chapter was 550 words, but don't worry, they will get longer.

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Also, I update once a week.

Anyways, I hope you all have a wonderful [insert day of the week] !!

-Kenlie, author

obliviate - a dramione love story Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon