Day 1 & 2

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It wasn't always Mina's 'thing' when the row started dating.  Mina was clingy, nor knew that she'd be with Dahyun for almost 4 years.  But Mina has gotten used to the usual waking up together and actually likes it now.

It always starts with Mina waking up for work first.  Which was everyday at 6 am. 

Mina's eyes slowly open as she feels around her girlfriend, soon meeting her hand to her lovers thigh.  She softly rubs it before she turns over, moving her hand and wrapping her other arm around Dahyun to cuddle her closer.  Mina would whisper soft things to wake Dahyun up for her classes.  Stuff like, "morning baby" or "you look so pretty".  Just simple things that would still make Dahyun's heart flutter.  Mina would then sit up, but feel a pair of arms around her.  It was Dahyun, also sitting up, trying to get Mina to stay.
"No~ call in sick!" Dahyun whined, snuggling her nose into Mina's neck.  Mina turned, kissed Dahyun on the forehead and Dahyun would let go so Mina can get a shower.  As Mina got her shower, Dahyun would lay there a bit until finally getting up and getting dressed.  Today she wore a mini plaid skirt, which Mina hated, a white button up with a regular black coat to keep her warm from the winter.  Mina found herself cutting her shower short because of wanting to get work done quickly.  She changed into black pants, a black button up and a black sweatshirt on.  She brushed her teeth and hair, out on some makeup and met Dahyun down stairs.  Dahyun was at the stove, cooking the two breakfast, yet Mina would never let her breath. 
Mina slowly walks over behind her, not making a sound because ballet paid off.  She would jump at the right time, when Dahyun wasn't touching the stove.  She wrapped her arms around Dahyun, picking her up, before letting her down and tickling her until Dahyun pleas for her to stop or she'd pee herself.  Mina would giggle then wrap her arms back around Dahyuns waist and watch her cook.
"Can't wait until I can unwrap my gift early.." Mina whispered.  Dahyun giggle, rolling her eyes.  The two sat in the living room, eating breakfast and by the time 7:30 rolled around, the two have already went there separate ways...

MiHyun: Domestic FluffOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz