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1. Current lock screen 

 Current lock screen 

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2. Current home screen

 Current home screen

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3. Current ringtone

4. Current battery percentage


5. Current anime watching

I don't watch any anime.

6. Device used to go on Wattpad

My phone.

7. Thing you regret doing

Starving myself. 

8. Your zodiac sign

I'm a Libra! (Just like John!)

9. Object obsession

Nail polish, I can't wear it anymore since I have a culinary class, but I love buying them nonetheless. (Instead of being a crazy cay lady, I'll be a crazy nail polish lady.)

10. Favorite quote

"If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to our ability to love others or our potential to create."  - John Lennon

But, I find this one really funny...

"Something to remember on your birthday... Forget the past, it cannot be changed... And, forget the present because I didn't get you one." - Brian Jones

Thank you for tagging me -Sitarday-

I'm going to tag lina_harmony

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