After the Snowball pt.3

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12:00 am
The group had been up still, they sat at the table telling stories and jokes. Dustin was in the middle of retelling his experience with Dart while Lucas and Max laughed back at how intense that all was. Mike began to think, and he thought a little too hard.
"Lucas" he said, making everyone pause what they were doing and listen. "Are you and Max a thing now?" This wasn't the best question to ask Mike soon realized. Dustin looked away towards the ground, and Max and Lucas both got red in the face and looked away from each other. They didn't seem to know either.
"I mean?.." Lucas questioned.
"Well..." Max stammered.
They both very awkwardly shrugged, it was clearly something they'd need to talk about soon on their own. Before Mike could make any attempt to make the group less tense again, there was a scream from upstairs. It was Eleven. Mike looked towards the group in panic, then made a bolt for the stairs. Will looked around, "should we follow?" Everyone looked around, then simultaneously shrugged and said "nah". Lucas said, "trust me, he'll get us if he needs us, it is his girlfriend though so I think he can handle it." They all nodded in agreement with this statement.

-Mikes POV-
I ran up the stairs, tripping at the top. I got to my feet and made a dash for my room. When I opened the door, I saw Eleven sitting up on my bed. She was breathing heavy and appeared to be sweating. I shut the door behind me.
"El, are you okay?" I ask and walk over to her.
"Bad dream..." she says simply.
I kneel on the floor in front of her and extend my arms, offering a hug. She falls into my shoulder and hugs me tight. After a minute I stand up and sit down next to her on the bed.
I move my hand to her back and begin to rub in circles, this seems to calm her down some more.
"It was just a dream, I'm here now El", I tell her while she leans her head against me. She begins to cry softly, "will you always be here Mike?" She asks me, sounding worried.
"I will always be here Eleven, always."
I use my sleeve to wipe away the tears that are flowing down her face.
"Promise?.." she whispers.
"Yes El, I promise."

Wow sorry this was short and awful. At this rate yeah I'll make a part 4 before I move on with the story 😂😭 I'm in a slump but I noticed people were reading this so I felt I had to throw something out there.

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