Solas: May The Dread Wolf Take You (Specifically Female Elf Reader)

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(This includes spoilers for the Trespasser DLC I'll make another one for Solas if you don't want spoilers )


      As we entered the gates to the Winter Palace on horseback, Cullen, Josephine, and I got a different assortment of stares, some light hearten and thankful others not so much. This was Orlais after all and everyone one was watching our every move. We came here to talk to the Exalted Council.  Cullen was already not impressed with being back in the palace.

      "Another parade. another bloody negotiation."  he hissed venom and disgust dripping from his lips. Josephine looked at him and smiled.

     "Smiles everyone, we must be careful how we present ourselves." she had the look she had the night we came here to save Empress Celene. We made it through the glares and whispers to the front door of the palace. 

     "Still as mighty as every" I thought to myself glancing over the beautiful marble architecture. Everyone was here Iron Bull, Varric, Liliana,  Vivienne, Sera, Dorian, Blackwall, Cole, and Cassandra who was now Divine Victoria. I am greeted at the front door by royal guards of  The Divine, Arl, and Ambassador of Orlais. This meeting was going to be something.

(Time skip to the Qunari found dead in the castles cafe)

     One of my guards comes forth while I try to make it through this council meeting. "My Lady, Liliana wishes to see you." she looked at me with a look of emergence. I nodded at her for her to lead the way.

     "If you will excuse me your grace, I am need elsewhere at the moment urgent business I'm afraid. Josephene can you take over while i see what is the matter?" I looked over at her she nodded.

     "I- yes Inquisitor." She turned around and carried on with the meeting. Me and the guard walk to where Liliana is and i see Orlesian nobles standing outside many quaking in fear. I walk inside to see Liliana standing over a very dead Qunari soldier dressed in full arm. 

     "How did he get here." I asked not taking my eyes off of it. Liliana stood up I turned to look at her.

     "I do not know, but we must find out how he got into the Winter Palace without being noticed." She went back to looking at to Qunari.

     "Does Bull know?" I looked over at him standing with Krem. he had his arms folded dressed in the same thick red liquid that also stained the walls. Well now I know who killed the Qunari.

    "No...he doesn't so far we have no leads on any of this." Soon enough she trailed off from what she was speaking about and I couldn't make out what she was saying but it was something most likely about her send some agents to look around. I took one more look at the Qunari before walking back outside. 

   "Make sure the mess is cleaned up please so that these fine people can get back to what they were doing." I walked off to find more clues.

(More time skips cause I'm lazy and don't want to right about all the little things anymore so I'm moving through when you have already gone through the final Eluvian.)

     I gasped as I saw a Vidissala Qunari made out of stone standing over me, blade raised. I saw more of them and weaved my way through them all and ran up the hill side where i heard fighting. I heard the Vidissala leader talking to someone. Their voice smooth as silk I knew right away who this was. Tears welled in my eyes but I held them back with as much strength as I could. I turned the corner just as their leader was about to attack but then faster than I could blink they were turned to stone like the poor souls down below. He started to walk away I couldn't let him walk away again. "Solas.." I said softly he stopped in his tracks and turned around. I started walking closer, but as I did the anchor glowed once more sending excruciating pain into my arm. I dropped to my knee and held my arm crying out in pain, Solas walked over and looked at me then at my hand his eyes flashed a blue and white the pain subdued until it was gone my hand stopped glowing. I stood again and looked at him his eyes soft and caring how I missed the way the shimmered in the sunlight. 

   "That should give us more time, I suspect  you have questions." his face softened as he looked upon me. Before I had taking the last Eluvian there where text scattered all around the Ancient Elven ruins, I had no questions I knew everything. 

   "You're Fen'Harel....You're the Dread Wolf" I looked at him the tears had start to come back why didn't he tell me why didn't he trust me. The tear slipped down my face.

   "Well done." he gave me a guilty and sad look. He whipped away tear as they ran down my cheeks and ran his thumb over where my Vallaslin . The sadness was now gone, angry had now filled every vein in my body pumping heat throughout it. I slapped his hand away from me he didn't object of say anything he knew why I was mad he always knew, he knew when I was sad when I was happy . 

   "Ma Harel Lasa! (You lied to me!)" I screamed looking up at him. His face had darkened as he looked down in shame then back up to be.

   "Only by omission." His voice was soft and light as he spoke. I didn't want to hear any excuses i wanted a apology I wanted him to say he was sorry.

   "Ma Lasa Banal'Gihlana!"( Rough translation: "Why didn't you tell me!") my body was on fire and my voice was hoarse and raspy by now from all the screaming .

   "What would have had me say? That I was the great adversary in your people's mythology?" His voice was filled with venom but was calm, he was getting mad I have never seen him try to control his emotions why now when this moment calls for such feeling.

   "I would have had you trust me!" I furrowed my brow as I gazed upon his face he made me feel sick to my stomach but I knew that my feelings for him would never change. All he did was shake his head and turn away from me. "Don't you dare walk away from me! I can't lose you again!" I whipped him around to face me my vision blurred as I let the tears run not holding it back any longer. He held my face in his hands but soon after the anchor glew and the pain started once again I fell to my knees.

    "The mark is killing you, it drew you here so that I could save you only for now..." He looked at me sadness growing in his face once more.

   "Solas, Vr Lath Vir Suledin!"( Translation unknow)  I tried to plead with him but to no avail. 

   "I wish it could, Vhenan...." He looked at me tears running down his beautiful pale skin I had never seen him cry. There was a wave of pain I screamed in agony the pain, unbearable. "My love..." He knelt down to me and touched my face caressing it lightly. I leaned my face into his hand embracing the gently touch. He leaned in and kissed me i could feel his tears falling on my clothing. But it was over just as soon as it had started he stood to his feet. "I will never you forget you." He wiped his tears then mine, he turned around and walked through Eluvian leaving me there to sob away the remaining moments before my companions came to get me. 

   It has been months since what happened between me and solas, the Inquisition was now Divine Victoria's honor guard and the anchor soon caught up with me I lost my arm so that it would not kill me. I walked to the room Solas used to stay in and sat at the table. The teacup he used to drink from still sat there dried tea leaves sat at the bottom, his necklace he used to always wear sat there I picked it up and examined it. I put it on and held it close to me tear dripping down my face. 

"Ma Vhenan." I fell asleep in the chair grasping what I had left of him.     

(Word Count 1442)

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