Alistair: Rose Petal (Human, Elf, or Dwarf any gender)

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        Alistair stood in front of the fire place looking down at the burning wood as it snapped and cracked. Small embers floated out until they vanished, Alistair glanced over at the mabari sleeping soundly next to his feet. He smiled and sat down softly next to the sleeping hound trying his best not to disturb him. It had been almost 3 months sense the warden commander had left in search for a cure. Alistair remembers the day they were setting off on the long journey to the west. He stood before them looking down at their soft round face, the small to large scares riddled they smooth curves of their cheeks and nose. He placed a callused hand gently on the side of their face, his fingers brushed small strands of (H/C) hair from it. Alistair wanted to beg them to stay to live out what time they had together but, he knew that no matter what they would be stubborn till the very end. He wanted to go with them so they wouldn't risk their life alone but, he had to watch the rest of the troops and mange affairs. His love could see the inner battle in Alistair's eyes, all they did was lean into his hand and turn their head slightly laying a soft kiss on his wrist. They heard a sigh of content escape from the warden's lips, his tense shoulders eased as he let it out.

     "I want to go with you my love..." there was a pause, Alistair wanted to let the tear out to scream that he wouldn't allow them to go alone. But all he did was let out another sigh, making him earn one in return from his lover. After some silence the shorter warden spoke. 

    "I know darling, but if you go with me, who will be here to keep the boys in check." They let out a soft laugh easing some of the tension. Alistair chuckled, he dropped his hand from their face and held their hands in his. 

   "I know, its just we haven't been apart, dare I years." He looked into their eyes giving them a sorrowful look. 

   "It's going to be hard leaving both you and Grimin behind. But I need to do this alone my love." They rubbed circles on the back of Alistair's hands, looking up at him they smiled a soft, sweet smile. Alistair took the chance to capture his lovers lips in his, the kiss didn't last as long as he wanted it to. He wanted to never let it end because once he did it would be gone, for maker knows how long; maybe it would be gone forever. "I must go now Alistair." Alistair squeezed their hands tightly and that's when it started, the tears rolled down his cheeks as he bit his lip holding in the stifling cry in his throat. He clenched his eyes tight trying to stop the tears. Alistair let out a shallow breathe as he attempted to clam himself one of his lovers hands slipped out of his, he held so tightly that their glove stayed in his grasp. The small warm hand wiped away his tear and rested on his shoulder, he opened his eyes and looked back down at them. They them self were crying their light porcelain face was now red and puffy. Alistair dropped the glove and wrapped his lover in a tight hug. He sobbed into their cloak as their small hand ran through his hair comforting him. He never wanted to let go but he had to, at some point. 

    They pulled away and looked up at him wiping his face with their cloak like a mother would her babe. They planted a soft kiss on his lips and turned around getting on their horse. " I promise you, I will do everything in my power to get this cure. I will save us both and we can leave this behind. We will start a new life, a quite calm one just you and me; and maybe some little ones as well if you so wish". Alistair  picked you the glove and wiped it off giving it back to his lover. 

   "I would love that very much dear." He kissed their hand and smiled up at them. " I'll hold you to this promise." 

   Alistair snapped out of his daze as Grimin huffed out a whimper. He looked down at the mabari and started petting his sleeping head softly. He kissed Grimins head before getting up and getting dressed for bed. His bed still felt so empty, so cold and empty even though it was nice to have a full bed to himself sometimes he missed the times his love would sprawl out. They would take the whole left side and then some. Alistair smiled as he finished getting ready for bed and let out a sigh, soft and almost silent. It was nice remembering everything but also just as painful.

   He looked over at his lovers desk in the corner of the room books and documents littered the dark oak wood. He didn't really feel tired but he hoped that if he fell asleep he would wake up from this dream holding his love in his arms. Walking over to the desk he slid his hand along to polished wood, he chuckled at the little doodles on parchment paper in the top left corner of the desk. Alistair started to straighten up documents separating them up into, political matters, warden matters, and even personal letters papers and such. He hoped that by cleaning he would become tired and be ready for bed, he sat in the big plush arm chair running his hands over the soft fur that lined the arm rest. Tipping his head back he sunk deep into the chair letting out a relaxed sigh he never realized how tensed he had been the past couple of months until now. Just as he closed his eyes, he heard loud strong footsteps barreling down the hall. Alistair looked at the door waiting for it to be thrown open, but it didn't there was only a soft knock.

   "Sir!, are you awake?" It was Nathaniel Howe at the door. Alistair stood and cracked open the door, peaking his head out he smiled softly.

   "Yes, I am but I just got into my small clothes." Alistair looked at Nathaniel, his dark hair was damp around his neck and forehead. Nathaniel's face was red and his breath was short and hard. "Nathaniel what's happening is everything alright." 

  "The Commander, is back!" Nathaniel, slicked loose hair back and huffed. Alistair slammed the door open, and ran back to the wardrobe he slipped on a pair of pants along with his rough leather boots.  Grimin jumped up and ran along side Alistair, Nathaniel to out of breath to do more than jog. Alistair practically splintered the wooden door leading into the main hall, and there they were. Three months, no contact and here they were hair longer than when they had left. The warden turned to look at where the sound came from they smiled softly, new scars covered their pale skin. Grimin  ran past Alistair running right up to the hooded warden standing in the middle of the room. They looked down and smiled, getting down on their knees they hugged the big slobbering dog scratching behind its ears in the process. Alistair's heart raced, if this was a dream he didn't want to wake up. The small warden earned a few licks on the cheek before standing and looking up at the half dressed, out of breath man. Alistair rushed towards his significant other wrapping them in his strong arms. He squeezed tightly and placed his head on theirs.

   "Maker I missed you...I missed you so much" He pulled away to look down at the other warden he smiled softly he felt like crying. They were alive, they survived but most importantly they were home, and in his arms. "I feared the worse." He held their face in his big shaking hands running his thumb over a new scar.

   "I missed you too Alistair" They pressed their lips against Alistair's they had to step on their tippy toes to reach. Alistair chuckled and kissed back passion burning on his lips, his lover smiled and pulled away. "If I knew you would be like this I would have come back to our room faster but it seems like Nathaniel beat me to it." A soft smile grew on his face, he kissed their nose and sighed. 

   "I love you, my darling rose petal." Alistair took their hand and walked back to their room, Grimin in toe.

(Word count:1456)

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