The labour

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I gasped softly and felt liquid running to the hem of my gown
I looked at my ladies and clenched my teeth
"Your majesty!" My ladies cried alarmed
"The baby he's coming!" I cried out in pain
They gasped softly
"Tell the King!" The midwife said to Lady Jane Grey
She quickly ran out of the room
~~~With Edward~~~
I sat with my parliament and saw my uncle acting suspicious
"My lord uncle what is it?" I asked him
"How is the Queen" He said to me
"She'll give birth any day now" I said to him
My wife's lady ran into the room
"Her majesty is in labor!" She said to me
I looked at her shocked and looked at my councilors
"I will be a father" I said smirking
~~~In the birthing chamber~~~
I felt tears slipping down my face
"Holy mother please have mercy!" I cried out in pain
I pushed out my child
"Your majesty you must push harder" The midwife said
I pushed with all my strength
"Oh dear merciful Jesus have mercy it hurts too much!" I said softly
I heard a faint cry
"A boy! A healthy Prince of Wales!" the midwife said
I cried out in pain and started to push again
I screamed in agony as my child left my body
"A heathy Duke of York!" The midwife said to me
"Your majesty you may rest" The midwife said to me
I slowly closed my eyes
~~~Edward's point of view~~~
I waited in anticipation for news on my wife
Her ladies walked in
"Well?" I asked them
"Her majesty has safely delivered of two healthy sons" Lady Mary Dorset said
I looked shocked
"Two boys" I said shocked
She nodded her head softly
"How is the Queen?" I asked
"In perfect health no signs of infection" She said
"Damnit now that Spanish brat is safe! I thought the poison I put in her food would've worked" My uncle growled out
I looked at him shocked
"That 'Spanish brat' is my wife and Queen my lord uncle I should have you arrested for poisoning my Queen and mother to my sons" I said to him
He looked at me shocked then left the room
I looked at my guards
"Arrest him for high treason and trying to control me and trying to get rid of the Queen" I said to them
They left the room
"When may I see her" I said to my wife's lady in waiting
"She wants to see you" The lady said
I walked into my wife's chambers
I saw my sons and she smiled at me
"Edward.... come meet your sons" She said to me her voice cracked a bit
I walked over to her and she smiled at me
I kissed her forehead softly
I looked at my sons and smiled at them
"What will we name them?" She asked me
"Edward and Richard for the Princes in the tower" I said to her
She nodded her head softly and kissed their foreheads lightly

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