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There's a child in the moon
He speaks of the world he wants to live in
He watches the surrounding stars in the constellations
The galaxy inside his heart speaks of what he has in mind

A sky that never rains
A sky that only shows the shining of the sun above
The child in the moon though cannot be under the sun
It can only receive a part of its illuminating light
You see, he stays there and cannot get out of there
He longs to be on Earth
To sit in the grassy lea
To lay himself down and just feel the sun.

But he tears up inside
Every time people look up to him and tell him of their sadness
Of their unfulfilled wishes

How can he fulfill any when he is nothing but part of Allah's creation?
How can he shine fully when he isn't the sun?
He's just the child in the moon.

But he sees her
In his dreams
He hears her
Inside his heart
He feels her
In his sad at times happy soul.

An unknown girl
Whom he calls Moonchild
Worlds apart
But they both share the same galaxy

They were born to be halfway in misery
Halfway in bliss
Never complete
Never perfect.

He was the child in the moon
She was the moonchild

He is up there

She is down here.

But enough solace
Is the Moon
Its beauty
Its thorns
Its mystery
Its imperfections
Its dry land
Its borrowed lights.

Because they were each other's moon
They were each other's night view
After a long tiring day,
They speak
With silent unspoken words
Of a love they seek to have
Of a belonging they seek to find.

And they will, one day.

In Allah's Place
Where no darkness reign
And they can be more than just each other's galaxy
They'll be the Royalty
Of their own perfect Universe.

These are the thoughts they secretly share
Under the full moon
Witnessed by their Creator
Recorded by the Angels

So it does not matter
Even if he feels alone
Even if she feels alone

They have the All – Powerful that watches over them

Islamic PoemsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora