Chapter 5.

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Shinozaki's POV

    We got out of the closet and Kishinuma asked, "Should I leave?"

    "Well your parents must be worried that you left your house, so yeah I think so.." I trailed and off and he looked away. "More like pissed off instead of worried. They know me."

    "Oh, ok then.." I replied, disappointed that he was leaving me. I looked up at him with pleading eyes and he sighed.

    "Wanna go out to Karaoke bar to spend some time together, tonight? My treat. Since you know, you rejected me last time when you were-" He asked and stopped talking and ran his fingers through his hair. I knew what he meant and l looked down. I just sighed and I looked at him with a sly look.

    "Kishinuma Kun, are you asking me out.. on a date?" I asked with some hinting in my voice, changing the subject from the store incident, and he blushed. "Yeah, I am."

    "Well, I would love to go on a date with you Kishinuma Kun, or should I say Yoshiki!" I exclaimed jumping on him and hugging him, "Oi! Shinozaki! Or should I say Ayumi!" He laughed out.

    He laughed some more and hugged me back with embrace. I heard some footsteps coming across the hallway and I gasped. "You should get out of here! Go before my dad beats you to a pulp!" He chuckled and pushed a lock of hair behind my ear again.

    "See you tonight at 7." He said quietly and kissed me on the cheek. I blushed and he waved goodbye as he opened up the bedroom window. "Bye."

    "Goodbye.." I replied and he left.

Kishinuma left my house by going out my bedroom window and I started to get dressed. I closed my curtains thinking that Kishinuma might be a peeping tom.

    After I dressed up I left my room and left to the kitchen where my parents were. I felt so happy and with a cheer in my voice I replied, "Good morning!" and they both looked at me funny.

    "What's got you so happy?" My mother asked and I stopped skipping. "Oh, something at school, but don't worry it's nothing." I assured and she gave me the same sly look I gave Yoshiki.

    "Ma! NOT LIKE THAT!" I gasped and huffed out of the room while her laughed echoed through the halls. Maybe I should tell her this later..

Kishinuma's POV

    It was about 6:00 and I was getting ready for my date with Ayumi. Until Miki walked in on me. "Oi, brother, who's the lucky girl?" She asked with a playful voice. I frowned and replied, "None of your business."

    She giggled and skipped closer. "Well, your lookin pretty fancy shmancy. Must be a pretty girl, eh?"

    I scowled at her and walked off. "None of your business Miki, go play with your friends or something. Play with dolls or whatever you little girls do."

    She frowned and retorted, "I'm not 10!" and she stomped out of the room. I chuckled and adjusted the buttons on my shirt. I put a black jacket over my white buttoned shirt and fixed my hair. I walked out of the room and heard a knock on the door. I paced out of the hallway and my mom answered the door.

    "My, who is this beautiful young lady?" She asked and Ayumi blushed. "I'm Shinozaki, Ayumi. Me and Yoshiki are going to the Karaoke bar tonight!" She exclaimed and my mom smiled. I sighed and blushed. My mom turned around pulled me on the arm and pushed me out the door with Ayumi.    

    "Now you two kids have fun!" She yelled and shut the door. I noticed that Ayumi was the one I was going to pick up. I noticed what she was wearing, she wore a little dress that clung on her beautiful body. It was a light blue and it was in waves. I automatically remembered to pick her up and I groaned.

    "Ayumi, I thought I was going to pick you up."

    "Well, my dad can't see you at my place, he'll literally throw a fit! So I told my parents that I was going to the karaoke bar with Naomi and some other gals in the student council."

    "Ah, learning from the delinquent, I see my presence has been changing you." I replied jokingly and she huffed. "It was a one timer alright. Now don't expect so much, lets go Yoshiki, I don't wanna be late." She replied and I took her hand. She smiled and looked away and we began walking away from my house.

    We walked down the sidewalk and into the city. We stared at the shining lights until we finally made it to the Karaoke bar.

Shinozaki's POV

    I walked with Yoshiki to the Karaoke bar and spotted a little girl in a red dress. I gulped and noticed she was holding a pair of scissors. I held onto Yoshiki even tighter as we walked through the city. The girl smiled and her hair blocked her eyes so I couldn't tell who she was. She started following us and I gasped and looked forward the whole time.

    When we finally made it to the karaoke bar, I saw her again, but she was in the same store I was at when I got the paper doll... I gulped and wiped the tears I was crying away and walked into the karaoke bar with Yoshiki.

    We went up to the counter and Yoshiki got us our booth and we walked to the booths. I noticed the girl was right outside the karaoke bar and she smiled deviously at me and snipped her scissors. 

    Then I automatically knew who she was. I gulped and went pale as we walked into the karaoke room..


Yoshiki x Ayumi(Corpse Party Fanfic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum