My mind is spinning with all of this new information, all of these new terms. Dominatrix, Dominant, BDSM, clubs, scenes...

"So, mi amor, I think what you need... is a release. You're wound up tight and you need to let yourself go once in awhile. Do you trust me?"

I'm sitting cross-legged on his bed, and I'm - yuck - still in my sweaty uniform, my running shoes discarded on his floor. I consider him for a moment, knowing that my answer is important. Somehow I know that it could change everything for me. Somehow I know that this is what I need.

"Yes, I trust you."

Jose transforms before my eyes. His shoulders straighten and he looks taller, even though I know we're about the same height. He looks more confident and in charge... he looks like - what did he call it? A Dominatrix? No, he's a Dominant and that make me... Oh my God.

"Stand." He says. His voice is sharp, but seductive at the same time. It's luring me in, like a razor blade dripping with honey.

I scramble off his bed and go to stand in front of him, my heart hammering in my chest. How did I get here? An hour ago, we were just friends talking on the ugly green couch. And now... Oh god, what the fuck are we doing?

"Take off everything except your panties," he commands, while pulling his t-shirt over his head, and removing his socks and shoes. He unbuttons the top button of his jeans, but doesn't take them off.

Hey, this doesn't seem fair...

"Don't think, Ana. You need to give up control. And once you do that? You'll be free. Do it now."

I take a deep breath and do as he says, feeling my nipples harden as the cool air hits them. Feeling self-conscious about my body, I bring my arms in to cover myself.

"Don't. It's just us, okay? You can trust me, and I want you unashamed of your nakedness. Do you understand?"

I nod and slowly move my arms, letting them hang down at my sides.

"Say it, mi amor."

"I understand."

"You will address me as Sir. Your safewords will be 'yellow' and 'red.' Yellow is for when you are reaching the limits of what you can handle. If you use the word 'red,' I will stop immediately. Do you understand?"

My limits? My limits for what, pain? Oh, I should leave. I should get the fuck out of here. But I want the release he's offering. I need it.

"I understand."

"I understand, Sir," he admonishes, his voice cracking like a whip.

"I understand, Sir."

"Kneel down, with your knees spread apart, palms up, eyes down."

"Yes, Sir," I say and comply without hesitation.

"When we do a scene, I will ask you to go into the room ahead of me. And this is how you will wait. I want you to braid your hair in the future, but your ponytail is fine for now. Tonight, we're just going to practice, get warmed up. Stand and place your palms flat on the bed."

I comply and feel him come up behind me, the warm skin of his chest brushing against my back. He gives me a soft kiss on the back of my neck and I hear him inhale deeply. "So sweet, mi amor."

His fingers brush where his lips had been just a moment before, and then he trails them down, along my spine, stopping when he reaches the top of my butt. He circles my right buttcheek slowly a few times, then removes his hand and - smack! - he brings it down hard on that same spot.

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