2: A New Approach to Old Views.

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It need not be said that I had formulated some views, with some help of a colleague on some. From the Federation of the Proletariat to the idea of Individuality within the Collective, these views are still things I stand for, albeit in a different manner than I had when I was an Andréist. Due to my old Marxist tendencies, I was concentrating solely on the transitioning phase from Capitalism to Socialism, and then from Socialism to Communism, whilst shrugging off the mild hierarchical fashion of my structure as that which can "wither away" when it gets to that time.

However, since I've broken from such a mindset, I've tweaked these views a bit, so that they can support the Anarchist principles.

Let us begin with the "Federation of the Proletariat". When I first created this idea, I described it as one that placed the people over the new Socialist government, and that through said government's education of the people on political and economical matters, the people would eventually render the government obsolete. However, if this structure that I and my colleague created were to be viewed and treated as a government, i.e., as a State, would it not then begin to behave as such? Would it not inevitably fall into the pattern that all States follow? It most certainly will; therefore, this part of the structure, that being the Central Committee of Delegates, must be viewed and treated as nothing more than an organization where the elected delegates meet and do whatever is required of them to keep things moving forward in a manner beneficial to all.

Furthermore, to ensure that power is equal among all, the position of delegate must be circulated from person to person, so that all have a hand in the affairs of this Anarcho-LeftCom Federation. After multiple attempts to usher in Communism through the State, it should definitely be apparent that such a method can never work, unless Authoritarianism is what one desires, so it is better to disregard the State entirely and circulate power instead of putting certain people in certain positions for a certain amount of time.

Onto the organization of the working class; in my works, I stated the need for a Vanguard of sorts that must function in a Central Democratic way, yet acting as being of the people. A very miserable theory, at best; Socialists and Communists must never even attempt anything that's slightly close to a vanguard, as such things tend to function in a hierarchical manner more often than not.

Therefore, instead of a "Revolutionary Vanguard" that operates under "Democratic Centralism", we must form an alliance between the Left Communists and Anarchists. This alliance must function the way we want our society to function, i.e., as a Directly Democratic Federation that is absolutely decentralized and void of any hierarchies. Also, the reason why I say that it must be an alliance of LeftComs and Anarchists is so that the people both liberate themselves from the subordination of the State and all hierarchies, while simultaneously working toward decentralization via the common rule of Councils, Syndicates, Committees, etc.

Through Anarchism, the people would truly be free to live their lives and grow as a people, and through Left Communism, the same people will learn how to function without authority, fear mongering or anything else that resembles hierarchy; only with those two will Communism be able to thrive, and not in the way old prophets like Marx or Lenin envisioned. This form Communism will be one of the people, by the people and for the people, which is the only form of Communism that anyone should support entirely.

As far as the "Democratic" and "Organic Centralism" is concerned, both must be rejected entirely and replaced with the following: the decision of all matters must be made either by unanimous vote or by consensus in a decentralized manner; none must be allowed to take matters in their own hands and bypass this rule. Through this form of unity, the organization can be fully decentralized and give the people a voice on all matters, as it should be.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2019 ⏰

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