A Surprise.

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As I walked down the stairs, I could hear all the chattering. I walked to the living room I could feel all the eyes on me. That kind of got me nervous because like I said I am not used to any attention. I avoided the attention since I was a little girl.

As I took my place between Abdullah and ma after saying my salam to everyone, I looked up and found three people looking straight at me. Uncle Amir, his wife Aunty Marium and their only child..Adam.

When I looked at Adam many childhood memories flooded my brain. When we were in Pakistan we used to play a lot together. Of course when we grew up we stopped playing. Even when I grew up I still visited Aunty Marium and she loved me like her own daughter. But then we had to move to USA because of dad's transfer. And then I didn't see her after that.

So, now I was sitting cautiously waiting for someone to say something. That is until dad spoke up.

"Amber dear, how was your last day?" he inquired.

I suddenly got excited at the topic and wanted to speak my heart out about how much I was happy to get rid of high school and all those people, but I choose against it because guest were right here in this room.

"alhumdullilah dad it was good" I smiled at him.

He smiled back and said "that's good. Now do you remember uncle Amir?"

"of course I do dad" I said looking at him. I can't forget them because they were like my 2nd parents.

"good. They are here to ask your hand in marriage for their son Adam" I looked at my dad surprised I waited for him to continue but instead Aunty Marium spoke up.

"Adam here is all grown up and we were searching for a beautiful wife for him. And we knew better than going somewhere else" her last sentence got me confused. She just looked at her husband and smiled.

"So beta Amber (daughter Amber or let's say dear Amber) we are here asking your hand in marriage for my son Adam." I looked at her for a minute and then lowered my gaze.

"I think I need some time to think about it aunty" she just smiled happily at me probably because I asked for time and didn't just give her a plain out no.

"you and Adam can get to know each other so you guys can go to the backyard" I looked at ma surprised because this was so haram! ma..what are you thinking?

Before I could say anything Adam had already gotten up so unwillingly I walked to the backyard expecting Adam to follow me. We both kept our gazes lowered. Which I liked about him.

I always wanted a religious guy. You know a guy who would make me feel closer to my lord rather than helping me get closer to the shaytan (Satan).

We both walked to the 2 benches that were placed parallel in our backyard. I sat on the bench while he sat right in front of me. Islamically we had the permission to have a glance of your possible future spouse but nothing more than that.

"you've grown up a lot" he said looking straight at me. That made me a little nervous and I just wanted to give him a whole lecture on how to lower gaze.

Although I really wanted to be sarcastic and say 'oh really? Tsk..i didn't have any other choice' but I didn't. I have to be polite.

"so have you" he just chuckled and asked me about my high school.

After that we were casually talking. I made sure not to look at him..but it was really hard because he was just really handsome with those hazel brown eyes. He seems like a nice and decent guy and plus he's cute! Astugfrallah what's wrong with you Amber?! I mentally slapped myself for thinking haram.

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