The Angel

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Sabrina pov~
I was looking through my mom things and see the photos of her, made me wanna cry, but I gotta be strong like she taught me.

Sabrina pov~I was looking through my mom things and see the photos of her, made me wanna cry, but I gotta be strong like she taught me

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Paul pov~
"Sabrina, what you doing in there?" I asked

"Looking through pictures" she answered.

"Can I come in?" I asked


I opened the door.

"Where you put the photos?" I asked

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"Where you put the photos?" I asked

"In my bag"

"Come on, take it back out"

She rolled her eyes and reached into her bag. She opened the photo album, and it was a lot of pictures of her and Tara.

"This is me, when I was 8 years old" she smiled.

"This is me, when I was 8 years old" she smiled

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"Look at those freckles" I smiled.

She turned the page.

She turned the page

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