"11 years..." She barely whispered, looking back at me with her sparkling eyes. How am I supposed to reply to that? I should admit it, shouldn't I?

"11 years," I confirmed. I have liked her for so long, my feelings have grown stronger day by day. I've waited for her answer for 11 years, waited for this.

"I'm sorry I never knew.." She seemed shocked that I liked her. I didn't say anything, i just sat there memorizing her looks. What's not to believe? I can't believe she doesn't know what she does to me. Her hair is parted from the left side and is straight but falls into curls at the bottom. I love her hair, it's just mesmerizing. Then you have her beautiful amber eyes and the way the twinkle when she laughs. Everything about her is precious. I couldn't describe the feeling that I was feeling every time I'm with her.

"Um.. Will you be my girlfriend, then?" I'm finally asking her out to properly be my girlfriend after 11 years. I wanted her all to myself, and cherish every moment we had. Does that make me sound selfish?

"Tyler," she said slowly and clearly looking directly at me, "I'm going to need time to think about this."

"Okay, I understand." I exhaled relieved that she didn't reject me. I might have a chance, she did say she was going to think about it.

"I mean now, can I just have some time alone please?" Stace asked me and I started to get up.

"Yeah, sure. Just text me when you need me," I was now on my feet, and began heading back to our group of people.


Stacie's POV;

"Stace, I need to tell you something." Tyler sighed.

"Yeah, what is it?" I questioned and nodded for him to continue.

"I don't think of you as a friend," He said firmly. What!? He doesn't think of me as a friend? And for all these years?

"W-what!?" I stammered, letting out a shaky laugh. I hoped that our friendship was real. I don't like to think that our entire friendship was some sort of game.

"No. I didn't mean it like that! I think of you more than a friend," He explained running a hand through his hair, messing it up slightly. He looked straight into my eyes with his hazel ones. I could see the gold specks in his eyes sparking with curiosity.

"Oh." Was all I could say. I let a smile play on my lips. Tyler smirked and bit his bottom lip and started to lean in slowly giving me enough of time to turn away. Shit. He was going to kiss me and I didn't turn away. He was close enough now that I could feel his breathe tickling my neck. Do I kiss him back? No. I'm not giving him any ideas. He brushed his lips on mine and let them linger there then closed the gap between us. He kissed me softly and slowly, but no sparks. Did I just let him kiss me? I cant believe I had let him do that. I just didn't feel it anything though, there was nothing. He then pulled away from me knotting his eyebrows together.

"Tyler I'm sorry. I didn't mean... I'm sorry" I whispered tripping over my own words and played with my fingers. How am I supposed to react when you find out your best friend likes you? I don't think this happens on a daily basis.

"How long have you liked me?" I suddenly asked out of no where breaking the silence.

"Um, remember my 8th birthday? You tried to make cake for me, failed, and you started crying. You said you wanted to bake me the best birthday cake ever, which was ruined. You were so cute, I couldn't help it so I lied to you that no one would want you since you couldn't even bake a cake-" He started laughing a bit.

"STOP IT NOW, THAT WAS SO EMBARRASSING!" I practically yelled at him laughing. Oh my goodness. He still remembers that? I kind of hoped he would have forgotten. That was probably the most embarrassing that's ever happened to me. I'm thinking that's why he had chose to remember it. Our childhood memories were the best though, we always would have a good laugh at it.

"And then you made me marry you with your dolls as witnesses. You had me ever since." He continued. Tyler had me flushed by now. This was so embarrassing, I could see where this was going. He turned to face me and I looked away trying to hide my cheeks. I knew he was going to tease me if he saw it. Then it hit me.

"11 years..." I barely whispered, looking back at him not caring if my cheeks were red or not.

"11 years," He repeated. Tyler Morgan, my best friend, liked me for 11 years and I didn't have a clue. How could I have known, he can have anyone but chose me?

"I'm sorry I never knew.." I was shocked that he liked me. Tyler didn't say anything, he just sat there looking at me as if he was memorizing everything about me. Do you find this all hard to believe?

"Um.. Will you be my girlfriend, then?" He asked me out. After 11 years of his patience. I didn't want to reject him right now... I know that it'd kill him inside.

"Tyler," I said slowly making it clear and looking directly at him, "I'm going to need time to think about this."

"Okay, I understand." He exhaled, and seemed in some sort relieved. I didn't want to make this trip a mistake for us. Not for my friends at least.

"I mean now, can I just have some time alone please?" I asked and he started to get up.

"Yeah, sure. Just text me when you need me," I just nodded even though I left my phone at his beach house. He was already on his feet and headed for his friends.

When he was out of sight, I let out a sigh. And I began walking. And thinking. Why does he like me? He's Tyler Morgan, the most popular guy, and the hottest guy at college likes me? That's really something and it's flattering, but I don't like him that way. We've been friends since we were in our diapers. And now he's telling me he liked me for 11 years? This is all so confusing to me. Do I like him back? No I can't.. It's kind of wrong. I mean yeah he's pretty good looking and sweet but just no. I let everything that happened in the last couple hours or so process in my head. I've been walking for a good 45 minutes now, I saw some huge rocks up ahead and decided to rest there. I sat down against the cold stone against my bare skin. I could feel the ocean water rushing up towards my toes then back down. I sat there taking the peacefulness of being alone again, listening to the rushing waters, the sea hawks, and feeling the cool breeze. I checked my watch for the time; it read 5:30pm. I didn't realize how tired I was until now, my eyes began to grow heavy but then something caught my eye! A shadow. There was a shadow over me, I silently got up but I tripped over a couple rocks.

"Ow, fuck." I murmured under my breathe. I stood up dusting off the sand, but then pain shot up through my leg as I put weight on my right ankle. Great I sprained my ankle, I sat back down carefully hoping that the pain would go away but it didn't. Instead I noticed that I had scraped my knee too. I am a mess today, everything is happening too fast and I just don't have enough of time to process anything. Then I remembered someone was behind me. I didn't want to turn around so I just sat there unable to move. But I didn't care, probably just Tyler checking in on me again. It seems like something he would do since I haven't texted him back yet.



Good chapter or no? Comment and tell me what you think!(: Your support means a lot to me, seriously. I'll upload chapter 3 after i get 25 reads, or just sometime this week haha. Do you guys think i kinda rushed this chapter?? Sorry if I did, I'm not the best writer out there lol. Vote, Fan or Likee! Btw zayns back on twitterr :P

Thanks babes



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