
465 17 0

July 1225

Eloise sits on my bed,chewing on Muffin. I pull out her white dress with yellow and pink sail boats embroidered at the bottom. I slide it on her and slip on socks and white strap shoes. She now has enough hair to pin a small bit back in a bow. I slide a white bow behind her ear. As I overlook her,I realize she's in all white. It's her best clothes though,since it's upstairs-downstairs day. John comes in and picks her up.

"Well who do we have here? A princess!" He says,kissing her face.

Being the ten month old she is,she shrieks and giggles. The gong rings indicating it's time for the picnic. We all mound the stairs,and Eloise sits upon my hip. She is giggling at Daisy,who is playing with her fingers.

When we are outside and standing, she decides it's a fine time to shriek at the top of her lungs. Everybody turns to look at her,even Lord Grantham.

"Shhhh." I whisper into her ear. She smiles and reveals a few teeth.

"It's quite alright Anna." Lady Cora smiles.

"Let the picnic begin!" Lord Grantham bellows.

Being this is an upstairs-downstairs event,we are permitted to sit with anyone. And as soon as Miss Sybie spots us,we are sitting with Branson, Lady Mary, Miss Sybie and Sir George.

"Hi Elsie! Are you hungry?" Sybie immediately says.

Eloise crawls over to Lady Mary and looks up at her. She grins from ear to ear when she picks her up.

"How about a strawberry for this fine lady?" Lady Mary coos.

Eloise takes the strawberry from her hand and sticks it in her mouth. She makes a face,indicating that it's a sour strawberry. Everyone laughs.

"Mama,strawberry?" Sir George asks,pointing to the basket holding them.

"Yes George." She answers.

After Eloise has managed to eat 3 strawberries,a small square of watermelon,and chew on a carrot,shes full. Surprisingly,she doesn't get any of her white clothes dirty.

"Shall we let her crawl around for a bit? With the children?" Lady Mary asks.

"I think that's a fine idea." I answer.

Miss Sybie and Sir George are near by,chasing butterflies. Eloise crawls over to them and sits by a flower. Miss Sybie and Sir George sits with her.

This is a wonderful family to be a part of.

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