Is this love?

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Your pov
After walking home I had called my best friend.

Phone convo:

(Y/n): heyyyy

(F/n): heyy gurllll

(F/n): how was the party? I'm srry I couldn't come:(

(Y/n): aww that's okay I know you have a lot of paper work to do!^^ and the party was a lot more exciting then I thought it would be haha

(F/n): really how so!?

(Y/n): well I beat a few of these guys at poker and when I was leaving the party they followed me! I think they were gonna rape me or something 😓😓


(Y/n): calm down Im alright.

(F/n): how did you get away then? What happened????

(Y/n): well......


(Y/n): I had a hero come and save me~

(F/n): oook really~~~ was he hot? DID HE KISS YOU!?

(Y/n): WHAT NO!😂😂 and it wasn't even a guy it was a girl😳😳😳

(F/n): ooo really!!! Omg!!😱😱

(Y/n): ikr! She came in and saved me! She was

(F/n): do you know if your gonna see her again?

(Y/n): idk...probably not...but if at any chance we do meet again maybe I'll take her out for coffee as a thanks..

(F/n): I hope you see her again. Never know maybe you'll become something~~🤔😉

(Y/n): what! No way! Your crazy😂😂

Phone convo ended

I laughed to myself as I set my phone down on my bed side table. I needed a shower.

I got some cloths turned on the water and hoped in. The water felt nice against my tense muscles. I sighed with delight.

As I was washing my hair my mind kept wondering over to that girl...akali...

Why did she save me?...maybe she just didn't like people getting hurt.

I really do hope to see her again..maybe get to know her better..

I laughed a bit.

Man you've never thought about someone this much before..must be really bugging me

I laughed softly to myself as I finished my shower and dried off.

I got changed and laid in my bed closing my eyes. Soon drifting off into a deep sleep wear my dreams where full of her



Hey guys sorry for not updating for so long and sorry that the chapter isn't that long. I hope you liked it tho. I'm gonna try my best to update a lot more but I have exams coming up soon so I can't promise anything.

Akalixreader  (girlxgirl) Where stories live. Discover now