Chapter 2

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My first thought was what Dimitri might think. I know he wouldn't be angry. Well I don't think he will. Still I have no idea how to even be a mother. I mean, have you seen my mom? Imagine what I'll be like. While I was pondering all this Lissa was paying the waitress, and watching me. Again.

"I know it sounds crazy but the way you two have been glued to each other I'm not so surprised that you manage to defy, like a million years worth of beliefs and straight up facts. Also you are one of kind and so is Dimitri." She was smiling shaking her head. I was still kind of dumb struck. I'm going to be a mommy and Dimitri is going to be daddy. Lissa stood up and was staring at me.

"Come on, lets go. You have stuff to do." I looked at her confused thinking I misheard her.

"What do you have to do?" I was still reeling from the shock. Lissa was shaking her head at me.

"Its not what I have to do. Its what you have to do." She continued when she saw I wasn't going to say anything. "You my newly pregnant friend have to tell Dimitri."

"Oh crap." Was all I could muster.


Lissa wanted me to go to the doctor to be sure. I of course was skepyical at first.

Lissa and I parted ways a little bit after that. She had a meeting to go to and I have ... Well I don't know exactly what I should do. But after a while I sort of just started wandering around until finally deciding to head off to my room. I sat there on my bed waiting for Dimitri to come.
How will he come to terms with this? Will he want to accept this? He is very reasonable and loving. I'm sure he won't go too insane. But then again who could blame him?Damphir's can't have babies with other Damphir's. It's suppose to be impossible! Until now. How could this have happen to me of all people? Its like all the bad things in the world just automatically come to me. I'm a magnet for disaster. What else is new? As I was concentrating on that I again didn't notice that someone had come into the room. Man, am I losing my touch?

"What are you concentrating so hard on?" A deep male voice asked me. I looked up to see Dimitri gazing at me.

"We have to talk." I said with a sigh. I might as well face him now. Fight now, make up sex later. That's the only thing that kept me going. Dimitri stared at me with a look of concern and confusion.

"Uh, Oh. That's never good." he came and sat down on the bed next to me. "What's wrong?" he put his arms around me and drew me closer. It took all my willpower to not attack him with kisses.

"Have you ever thought about having kids?" I decided to use this to break the ice.

"Actually I did. I still do. I use to dream about us having a baby together. Why?" I could feel his eyes watching me. I still couldn't look at him.

"Well I guess your wish came true." I hesitantly reply back while glancing between him and my fingers

"What are you talking about, Rose?" Now he really sound completely and utterly confused.

"I mean, I'm pregnant." I felt him stiffen, but then he completely relaxed after what felt like hours. He leaned in and kissed me. I stared up at him in shock. Then he brought his lips to my ear and whispered but I didn't hear that because I was too busy rambling already.

"Marry me."

"Now I known what your thinking. How could Rose get pregnant when that's totally freaking impossible! She must be crazy. And I was thinking the same thing until..... Wait, what did you just say?"

"I said marry me Rose Hathaway." He was gazing at me with a mixture of anticipation, wariness and love.

"No." I said playfully.

"Why?" I guess he took it pretty seriously. His face showed a flickering rampage of devastation and despair. It sounded like he was about to cry. I looked up into those wide brown eyes and smiled.

"I was just kidding. Of course I'll marry you my big love struck, fool." I cant begin to explain the amount of relief that showed on his face. I leaned over and gently kissed his nose.
As I gazed into his eyes I new right then and there that everything was going to be alright. For our future. And our new member of the family.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2015 ⏰

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