Chapter 1

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  Large, bone wings flapped against the thick smoke, but the membranes made of cobwebs didn't help move the smoke. The smoke swirled around and choked him. It burned his eyes and peirced his lungs. He tried to get a clean gasp of air but he choked on the black smoke that filled his mouth and lungs. His lungs screamed for air and not the covering, black smoke that was filling his mouth, nose, and lungs. Suddenly the smoke retreated from his lungs. He gasped for the clean air as he fell to his knees. A spine-tingling growl filled his ears and shook him to his core as he looked up to meet the gaze of the demon king.
   The owner of the gaze sat on a throne of bones with layers of cobwebs for comfort. All being held together with tainted angel souls. The demon king was seven foot tall with eyes like molten rock. His black horns curled towards the back of his head and were infused with bedrock. His hair was blonde at one point, but it was now smoke stained and nearly black. The braids that covered his head looked like dark serpents that hung down to his shoulders. A crown of stolen innocent souls hung around the base of his right horn. It hissed and clinked as the souls tried to escape the soulglass casing of the crown, but nothing escaped soulglass. The demon king's face was thin and chiseled with a normal sized nose and thin blood stained lips. His facial hair was cut into the Balbo beard style and the hair was so smoke stained it looked almost jet black. He had a muscular build that only made him look that much more intimidating. His wings were large, red and leathery with a wingspan of ten feet. He wore a royal cape made of cobwebs with a black muscle shirt, torn black skinny jeans, and black combat boots. He sported a tan skin tone that never changed its tone no matter how much time on earth he spent. His voice was smoothe with a voice type of bass. He never had to struggle to be heard because every demon knew his voice.
  "Jorel, I'm talking to you!" The demon king growled out, a small puff of that choking black smoke left his snake-bite peirced lips as he spoke.
  "Sorry sir. I was in my head," Jorel said as he eyed the smoke.
   "That head of yours is getting you into some trouble. You stopped a fellow soldier from ambushing an angel and stealing the soul it was carrying," The demon king hissed.
   "With all do respect sir that angel was a child. i couldn't just sit back and watch it be attacked and killed," Jorel defended himself.
   "I don't care if an angel is a newborn! If it has a soul, its fair game," The demon king snapped through the thick cloud of smoke that poured from his mouth.
   Jorel went to argue but the demon king interupted him.
   "If this keeps happening Jorel, I will take your soul back and crush it right in front of you. So, get that soul of your's in order or it will be the end of you," The demon king threatened in a deep tone.
   Jorel gulped as he felt his body go cold with fear. He had to try to get his soul under control. He wanted to live, but he had to admit to himself that the demon king looked hot when he was threatening Jorel.
(Here's a little bit of the story. It may not be long and sorry for that, but enjoy and let me know if you guys want me to continue this)

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