To Love is To Be Hurt

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Bridgit's P.O.V

They're all the same. They'd act sweet at first, then leave you when they're tired of you. Men. I don't really want to surround myself with them. It's just that, with my experiences with my father, and well... He who must not be named.

Maybe you're getting the wrong message. No he's not Voldemort, just some guy who lives in a village named Past.

People say, fairytales exist.


Well I do believe in the saying, To love is to be hurt. Technically, it is true. I don't need anything to prove it wrong. My mother just got hurt loving my father. I barely see her sober, and one day during my sophomore year, police was crowding in our house. Eventually I found out that she hung herself.

Past is past, forget everything. Start new.

From this day on, these will be the things that I would want to do. That's the main reason why I moved to America. Other than that, go study.

You might be wondering where I ended up after all of that shit.

Well I wasn't sent to the orphanage, since I was a bit too old to be put there. So I was on my own.

But then some rich relative found me. She didn't have any children, so she treated me as her own. I think she even loved me more than my mother did.

But then she was old, she died after 5 years. Sad life, right? But then her last will testament stated that 100% of her net worth would be mine.

I'm all alone again.


Short chappy bc writer's block. Not a fanfic.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2014 ⏰

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