Oliver's POV

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I'm thinking about him again. Damn, I have to get over that kiss. But how can I get someone that is way too cute for his own good??

Despite that kiss, he hasn't realized that I am crushing on him. And he says I'm oblivious.

Oh, but I've got a plan

Flirting does wonders for love doesn't it??

Judging by how many fangirls (and boys) I have, I'm certainly great at flirting.

Speaking of Percy, where the hell was he? He usually comes out of class by now- nearly everyone has left Mc Gonagall's class, all but him.

I've just finished my sixth lap of the hall, Percy on my mind. What else am I supposed to do?? Draw?? That would help.....but what would I draw? Percy, yes, I could draw him.......no, no, stop thinking about him Oliver...stop.STOP!!

"Hey mate, still daydreaming??"

Crap! I didn't see him!! When did he sneak up on me?? Say something you idiot! Say something!

"Uh, yeah"

I mentally facepalm myself afterwards. Real smooth Oliver...real smooth.

"You're joking" I hear Percy say, and, turning around, I see my long term crush and dorm mate, standing by the window, his red curly hair shining in the sunlight, a slight smile raking his lips.

Merlin he's gorgeous.

He's going to drive me to an early grave...he will.

"No! I haven't dreamed in a long time." I say back, trying not to blush, awile trying to sound cool.

"That's so sad!" Percy exclaimed, hugging me. Pulling back,with crimson red cheeks, he added, " I mean, I still dream....oh, Ollie, everyone has to dream, your life has to be pretty boring if you don't dream."

"Sooo...now I'm boring.You are calling me boring now." 

"No!! Just forget about it." Percy finally muttered. 

**************Twenty Minutes later****************

"I...Oliie, I'm not so sure about this"

I just grin at Percy. "Oh, no. You're not getting out of this one. Not again. You are not backing out."

Honestly, it has taken me nearly four years to just get him out on the quidditch pitch. FOUR YEARS!!! 

And now, after nagging him about it continuously, I won. Victory is sweet.

Percy just shakes his head at me stubbornly, man can he be bull headed at times.

"Olliver brooms don't get along with me. Never has,never will." 

"This is a great idea Perce." 

"Not really. What if I fall?"  

'I'll catch you then' I say in a firm, and final voice, inside of my head. 

oh, can we just fly already??

He's going to worm his way out if I let him continue talking.......always have. 

Come on Olliver, you got this

"Perce, you trust me." 

"PERCY!!" damn,he's stubborn. I'll give him that much.

" You trust me. Right mate???" And from the looks of it, this may not be as easy as I thought.

I know I have a stupid grin on my face right now, but I can't help it. My gorgeous boyfriend is hotter than hell, especially when his is scared.

Percy goes over and grabs a Comet  from the broom shed, then wraps his hands around the smooth handle. 

And suddenly, I get an idea.............why ride solo when you can ride with you're boyfriend??

Without a second hesitation, I walk over to Percy, and get on before him, leaving him dumfounded...

"It'll be a lot safer this way...trust me."

come on Olliver, just act cool..........don't lose yourself.

sorry, just a bit nervous myself...nerves

Percy shifts his grip to the broom, staring at it like  it may bite him..............look at it enough and I can make that happen..

I would do such a thing would'nt I ??

Nah.......I'm too kind and big hearted


screw it............***puts idea in memory bank for future reference***

*Sighs* "Perce, I want you to do this................come on, just for me??do it for me."

mouth twitching, Percy looks at me with his beautiful emerald eyes and then shakes his head.

"Let's do this then..."

"You've done this before" I accuse him

"First year does not count Ollie"

Oh, so now we're back to playing with nicknames...fun...oh, what fun.............

"And anyway.....I don't think people were supposed to fly......" he states, matter of factly

"Laws were made to be broken Perce, you big headed prefect"

"Call me that one more time and,...........what do you know about physics??"

"A lot...........got a cousin."

Nice one Ollie, seriously, from your cousin?

"Who are you and what have you done with the real Ollie Wood??"

"No- I'm serious- Olliver Wood has never said something so deep before"


"Watch it Ollie Wood. At least I'm not named after a tree branch"

Wow...wow...did he really just roast me like that??Oh, he is getting hell for that one.

Percy blinks as innocently as possible- which looks pretty impressive. 

"You are way too good at pulling things off Perce, well, at least my second nickname isn't 'bighead' "

take that Percy.........revenge is sweet....

"Tell me Oliver, why do you really want me to fly?"

damn.....uh, how do I get out of this??"

"Because there are two things I love the most in my life......quidditch and .........well, you.........."

Stop stuttering. Kiss him, you idiot....

I'm terrible at secrets......................

Percy leaned forward, and then suddenly, Percy's sweet, hot lips were on mine......

Best talk ever ..........

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