Chapter 11 - The Convention PART 3

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Today is the last day at the convention. You wake up cuddled up with Tatsumaki. You hear that King is in the bathroom. You slowly get out of bed, trying not to disturb Tatsumaki. King walked out of the bathroom noisily. He sees that Tatsumaki is sleeping and starts to sneak. "I got us all souvenirs!" King whispers across the room. King tosses one to you and puts one on Tatsumaki's might stand. You and King sit on the other bed. "So?" King asks. "So what?" You reply. King looks at you. "I saw you and Tatsumaki cuddles up before I went to sleep. Did you have sex?" You look at King at start to laugh. "No!" You whisper loudly, still laughing. You and King hear Tatsumaki waking up, ending your conversation. Tatsumaki looks at the souvenir and smiles. "What do we do today?" Tatsumaki asks. "Well there is a jungle gym here. I know how much you like jumping, Tatsumaki. A lot of the displayed hangout there." Kings says. You and Tatsumaki agree on that decision. You three head over to the jungle gym. There's things to climb on, jump on, there's trampolines and there's a normal gym across from here. All three of you walk in. Tatsumaki starts doing flips and cartwheels on the trampolines. Tatsumaki does a handstand on one hand. Tatsumaki chuckles a bit but that laughter doesn't last long. Tatsumaki's shirt slides down a bit because of how thin she is. Tatsumaki's breasts are showing but Tatsumaki is quick at noticing things so the gets back on her two feet. Nobody has noticed. King was standing still. "I don't think anyone noticed but we should get outta here." King says antsy. You three go exploring the convention. Tatsumaki gets a text message on her phone. "What is it Tatsumaki?" You ask. Tatsumaki looks at the text. There's a link. She taps it and it takes her to an Instagram post. Tatsumaki's account was tagged along with Your's and King's. It was video of Tatsumaki's shirt slipping. Tatsumaki blushes. "We should keep a low profile." You suggest. King nods in agreement. You spend the rest of your time there at the water park first, then the bar, then the club. It's nighttime and almost time to leave the convention. All of you are at the gym. Tatsumaki changed into her gym clothing. She wears a tank top and skin tight shorts. Tatsumaki is running very fast in a treadmill listening to pop music. You are lifting weights and King is practicing balancing on a gym ball. When the convention ends, you have all of your stuff in the trunk of the fan and some of it in the back seat. You are driving. King receives a text from Saitama. "Who's it from?" You ask. "Saitama." King replies. The text reads:
Hey King, you might be pissed but Blizzard beat your score in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Yes that's right, Blizzard.
King's eye twitches. "Blizzard beat my Smash Bros. Score." King says. "I'm not that into video games but that must be painful for you." Tatsumaki says, patting King on his shoulder. You drive to Saitama's house. Genos welcomes you all in. "Blizzard, prepare for war." King says. Saitama passes King the controller and the match begins.

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