"I should have known we were not blood related."  Wendy sighed, "What were they like when they were here?"

Peter smiled softly, "John was definitely a know it all. He ordered the boys around more than I did."

Wendy laughed, "He always was one for being the most superior to everyone in the room. He was going to do something important one day in his life."

"And Michael," Peter continued, "well...he was timid at first. He enjoyed dancing around the fire like the other Lost Boys but...was way too sensitive."

"He's five years old!" Wendy laughed.


They both laughed for a while, but then the memories of her old life started to flood back into her head. "I just wish I knew where they are."

Peter remained silent for a moment, "I suppose you deserve to know what happened to them."

Wendy held her breath. The information she had been looking for for years would finally be revealed to her. She was hoping they weren't dead, she hoped that they were living their lives somewhere in England. She hoped they reunited with their parents.

"You are well aware that when the boys arrive to Neverland, they are suppose to forget about their old lives. They are suppose to forget about everything from the Land of No Magic. But, your brothers..."Pan hesitated, "Your brothers did forget most things."

"What did they remember?"

"They remembered you, Wendy."

Wendy looked at him confused.

"They were telling all the other Lost Boys about the stories you would tell them. They missed you and were wondering where you were. Then, all the other Lost Boys started wondering where their families were...I had to get rid of John and Michael."

"What did you do to them?" Wendy quickly stood up and glared down at him.


"What did you do to them?" Wendy screamed.

Pan sighed, "You need to understand I had no choice."

"Oh my gosh," Wendy said, "You killed them."

"It's a possibility they can still be alive." Peter stood up to look at her. "I tied them on a raft and sent them down the water."

Wendy was in shock. She wanted to scream, to cry, to slap Peter across the face, but nothing. 

"Wendy, say something."

She stood there, not moving a muscle. Not one word escaped her lips. She contemplated every action she could take against this rotten, awful, boy. Hatred filled her body. She felt her cheeks grow red.

Out of anger, she slapped Peter across his face. As he winced back, he looked at her with absolute shock. 

For a split second, Wendy regretted it, but her anger soon flooded back in.

"You killed them off!" She screamed, "You-You..."she could barely get the words out. Anger and heart break both came over her, not knowing which one she should focus on more. 

"Timothy..." Peter called out. The boy who was summoned suddenly appeared out of the trees.

"Take her to her home. She is not to leave until I say."

"What about meals, sir?" 

"She eats when I say she can!" Peter screamed. He gave one last look at Wendy and took off into the sky.

Wendy dropped to the ground. She could not catch her breath. Her poor brothers were out on their own in these make believe world with not one person to help them.

"Wendy, what happened?" Timothy sat down with her so his eyes were level with his. 

She couldn't mutter the words. She didn't even know if she could trust this boy. They all worked for Peter. Who was truly her ally here?

She slowly stood up and dusted herself off. "I would like to leave now."


Ok Im gonna be real with you guys....

I was NOT going to continue this story. As many of you can see, I haven't updated it in a while. To be honest, this was something that I did for fun and for myself. I am in NO way a writer whatsoever. 

I had the idea in my head for the story and just wrote it down to envision it and was like....maybe I'll publish it just to see who will actually read it. 

I did not expect to have over 18K on this story at all I am mindblown. Also, all of the comments I saw about continuing I was like ok I'll give it another shot. I feel like I definitely know where I want to go with this story. 

So, I know this is a really short chapter, but I would like to see how many comments to continue I get with this and I'll definitely try my hardest to continue as much as I can. 

Thank you to anyone who reads this story and has commented on any of the chapters! It makes my heart so happy. <3


Sarah K

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2020 ⏰

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Wendy || • A Peter Pan (Robbie Kay) fanfic •Where stories live. Discover now