Sketches (Albedo x Reader)

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+It really has been a while since I update anything here, here's something to start off with a nice short something to fill in I guess. 

+I should be fixing codes and stuffs rn but I guess procrastination beats me to it for this random inspiration came to mind lol

+This is a super short one-shot for you Albedo bias out there to add some minor blushes on your pretty little cheeks.

Author's note:

This story sets in the modern days.


I do not own any of the Genshin Impact characters; they are solely belonging to Mihoyo Co Ltd.

Exclude the story plot and inspiration I got it from.


E N J O Y! 


It's a cozy day, Albedo is just minding his own business with his little sister, Klee, in a nice and cozy café, sitting on a two-seater sofa just few distance off the opposite of the entrance door. His sister is happily humming children rhymes she had learn from school and crafting ideas on her own specially-made sketch book dripped with alchemy made by hers truly brother.

To him, what ever she threw creative imaginations in there are always the bomb for him.

Albedo, dress in his usual smart casual in a turtle neck and outer plaid with square golden lines long sleeve shirt, dark grey pants with his ashy light blonde hair reaching below his shoulder is partially pulled back in his signature braided ponytail, leaving some strands of his baby hair untied that fell off his face additionally complementing his bangs. 

His left arm leans on the sofa's arm rest and his right arm is resting on his thighs displaying a comfortable sitting position. His bright teal eyes with three dots in his iris is shining ever so brightly due to the sunlight reflected warmly into the cafe's window, clearly captivating passerby who walked into the café who happens to look at his direction.

His eyes were scanning the surrounding, taking in anything that might interest him while Klee is happily humming inaudible sounds while creating her art in the book. He diverted his attention away from his surrounding as nothing interesting came to sight and grabs the menu to scan for his sudden sweet-tooth cravings. 

"La la la lavender's blue dilly dilly..." was all he needed to hear that immediately grabs his attention to his little sister, "Hm? Did you learn a new song at school today?" he asked his little sister in a soft voice, a tone specifically reserve for his sister being the dotting brother that he is.

"Uh-huh!" beamed Klee whilst happily scribbling away in her book. Albedo were quite occupied with her sister that he did not realize someone waltz in the café. 

"Hi!"  you announced your arrival as you walked in the door for your work shift of the day.

Upon your arrival, Albedo shifted his head to find the source of the voice, knowing very well who the sweet voice belongs to.

"Oh, you're early!" said Amber noticing you entered the premise, the café owner who happens to be your employer and a good friend as well.  

"Heheh yes I do madam Outrider! I'm reporting for duty of the day" you teased to Amber, giving her a wink. 

Amber chuckled,  "I had my errands sort out early today so might as well" you continued. 

You like your part-time job here and enjoyed every moment of it due to how lively and positive the surrounding is, a good pay and most importantly an understanding and good employer who treats her employees so well.

'(R/n), I hope you don't mind your apron smells like a calm day. I just brought a new fabric softener scent of lavender and vanilla bean and I've been itching to try it out!" stated Amber esthetically, handing your apron. 

You chuckled and takes the apron from Amber, and the scent is lovely. You took a sniff and it is clear as day it definitely smells like one. 

"Thank you Amber, it smells so good!" you said.

Little did you know on other side of your friendly interactions with your employer is a customer, frantically panicking. Albedo immediately took the only thing that could hide himself from you spotting him at his table; the menu book he was holding the entire time. 

"Her part time job is here?!" panic whispering to himself, as you were tying your apron unaware of the shocking situation to a certain gentleman upon your arrival to the venue.

Your presence caught the cool and collected Albedo off-guard, feeling both happy and overwhelmed at the same time. You and Albedo have already been acquaint with each other from the university you both attended as you both shared few classes together.

Unbeknownst to Albedo, Klee was watching his antics for quite some time, tilting her head left and right to understand what made her calm brother to suddenly made bewilderment movements.

Albedo didn't realize a set of light red eyes were watching him, back and forth to what his direction of sight at and back to him all the while tilting her head in attempt to figure out what is happening. 

After few minutes of figuring out, Klee had a eureka moment in her head suddenly remembering something that best describe the situation. 

Klee made a small smile on her face and could feel her enthusiastic nature to slowly creep up.

Albedo pretends to read the menu while taking sneaky glances once in while on (r/n). He can't help but to remark of how cute you are wearing an apron off his head. His soft stare of admiration towards you can't be hidden to the viewing eyes of his little sister's observant he is obviously unaware of.

A lot of thoughts rushing in his head, "Should I called her out?" he pondered, "But she might really think I'm stalking her this time..." his inner thoughts went spiral abyss this time, his blood slowly rushing to the cheeks of his pale skin, coloring it in tints of light shades of red just like his sister's eyes.

Albedo didn't notice his sister reaching out her little arm and tug on his arm's fabric, "Onii-chan, isn't that the onee-chan from your sketchbook?" Klee innocently said out aloud while pointing at you to Albedo's horror. 

"K-KLEE..!" internally screaming and his head ducks lower down the menu book he is already holding. "Oh, and you're reading the menu inside-out" she continued, whispering this time. 

Fortunately, your back were facing their direction but you definitely heard the remark. You peek a glance to whom it belongs to and without a doubt, a small smile form on your face. 

You immediately recognize who they are, especially the young gentleman with the signature hairstyle and the company of an adorable little sister from the well-known Favonius family.

You have heard of his hobby in arts and you did not expect you would be in the list of infamous sketches of his. 

A blush crept on your face.

Baffled and flustered, Albedo took a deep breath and move the menu few degrees off his face to face her innocent little sister. He took in her innocence expression and gave a defeated smile to her.

"Oh Klee..." he uttered softly.

Unbeknownst to the siblings, you were watching their adorable exchanges and swiftly look the other way pretending not to notice as Albedo look at your direction. Albedo sighs in relief as he thought you didn't notice, a smile of adoration curved on his face as he watch you attending your work. 

Little did he know that you were walking away from a statement that made your entire day.

"Hey Klee" he started, "next time when I meet her again, I will talk to her and show the sketch I made of her, what do you think?" he asked his little sister. 

"Yeah!!" "I wanna talk to onee-chan too!" Klee said esthetically, giving her beaming smile no one could ever resist.

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