Chapter 2: New Hope

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Chapter Two: New Hope

I convinced myself I was misunderstanding my own thoughts as I worked faster to clean up my book mess.

"I'm sorry, I'll leave in just a second and let you have the whole table," I shyly giggled and smiled unconsciously at these eyes I've never seen before. But realizing I'm me and she's she, I retrieved from the smile immediately, finally getting a good grip of all my possessions.

"No, wait!" She almost pleaded behind me as I raced towards the door, and I stopped in my track to listen to what she has to say. I thought she'd talk about what they did, but I pushed my thoughts as far back in my head as possible, trying to leave a trail of hope.

"I want to talk to you. Can you sit for a few minutes? If you're not busy," she asked as if she knew I'd stay just to talk to her. I wasn't sure if that's just how I think or she really did look at me like everyone else did. Like I'm a desperate guy, just wanting someone in my life. I was about to turn around and keep walking, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to sit for a while.

I walked back to my seat and she sat two seats away, leaving an empty one between us. Did she think my "geekness" was contagious?? I felt a ripple of pain run through my whole body, a feeling of no hope, like I'll stay like this forever. A geek, a nerd, a lonely person no one would want to talk to.

I kept the pain to myself, like I always have. But I couldn't look her in the eye like she did to me. I was too ashamed, too distressed about myself to return the action. I kept my eyes on the AP Statistics book on my lap as she started speaking. And I swallowed anxiously, wanting to be like a ghost right this second.

"Uh, what are you working on?" She asked and I fired off insensitively like a firework.

"Well, I was doing some Stats homework, and some English! Did you ever have to write a 3,000 word essay? We didn't have to do that, but I chose to make it longer! I wrote about how today's' technology is like. And computer softwares! Do you like computers? I love them! They're like little robots that have a memory bigger than the huma--"

"Heyyyy, calm down!" She laughed, cutting me off. I froze and my smile faded along with my enthusiasm. What was I thinking? I was now staring at her with a dead, pale look, my mouth half open as if I was told someone I dearly loved passed away.

She kept talking and I saw her lips move, but I heard no words. I was drowning back into my mind's neurons.

What have I done? The only time a girl talks to me in high school by choice, I give her the worst first impression. I was too pumped about my achievements, I forgot I was the only one who thought they mattered. I just lost my only high school chance, I thought to myself before visiting reality and hearing the last few words of her talk.

"..together. So would you?"

"Sorry, what?" A smile crept across my face, penitent for making things worse.

"Oh, no! You didn't hear all that?" She joked and I grinned. I was grateful she wasn't upset like I expected. And her lips were so beautiful. They looked so soft, like velvet in the sun with her lip gloss reflecting the light. Her eyes. They were two green diamonds centered with black jewels. Her long, dark eye lashes reminded me of bird feathers, and her rosy, soft, baby cheeks reminded me of innocent children. I never looked at a girl that way.

"I was asking about how they treated you and wanted you to do Louis's homework. I was saying maybe--"

"Hannah!" Another girl with dark, curly hair stood at the door half open. She was standing with another girl with big, brown eyes and straight, red hair. I was too anxious to know what Hannah, I figured, had to say, but now I was not going to dare speak up with more girls here. Their company alone intimidated me. I decided to keep quiet as Hannah waved good-bye.

"I'll talk to you later!" She smiled very genuinely and disappeared behind the thick walls after walking past them. The girl with curly hair was holding the door open for Hannah, glaring at me with challenging eyes.

I didn't hesitate to look away promptly, and the third girl followed behind the first..who followed behind Hannah.

I grinned widely, thinking about what had just happened. Maybe she likes me? I've read in a book before that that's how girls start talking to guys they like. It seemed like she wanted to hang out with me, or at least find an excuse to talk. This was my chance, I had to make her like me more.

I lifted my things off the table one more time and headed for the door.

The rest of the day, I was thinking about Hannah, and what I'll do to show her I'm different. I started doing things I'd never thought I'd do before. I began fantasizing like normal teens about me and her together, doing calculus homework and working on physics projects together.

Maybe my life will finally change for the better, I smiled to myself as I turned off my calculator and the lights. I got under the sheets in my Spongebob pajamas and closed my eyes with new hope. With her name lingering in my subconscious thoughts: Hannah..Hannah....Hannah...


(A/N): I'm sorry if this chapter sucked, but I decided I won't write ahead, because this way I'll never be done. Instead, I'll write and create ideas as I go, so I'm sorry if this chapter sucked. Let me know what you think of it. If you liked it, please vote/comment/follow. It means a lot and votes and comments will encourage me to write more faster! If you want an update goal: 10 votes for this chapter and I'll update the next. Thank you for reading!

P.S.: Ashley Tisdale isn't exactly who I had in mind for the role of Hannah, but it's what I'll go with.

~Tina .x

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2014 ⏰

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