Day 1: Snow Day

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(The Screw Sleep Circle's prompt week has begun! (and Ly is slightly late cuz she was busy this morning...)

We're going back in time a couple of years for this first one~ Don't forget to check out the rest of the Screw Sleep Circle's stories this week! (and every week!)

For a rundown of who's who of the BGZ (background zombies), see my Limelight fic collection or go to my Tumblr~)


There was nothing more exciting to a 5-year-old than a snow day, especially a 5-year-old zombie with very little to keep her occupied. There could be more exciting things to a 12-year-old zombie, but a snow day was pretty high on the list, and if the 5-year-old is the 12-year-old's sister, there isn't really much choice.

Zoey had been begging Zed to come play in the snow with her from the second she woke up and once he was dressed, she was dragging him out of his room, down the stairs and out the front door.

"You couldn't go play with Jozlyn or something?" He was kidding, of course. Mostly.

"Jozlyn's still sick, and I need a snow dog to pull my sled!"

"You don't have a sled."

"It's pretend!" Zoey explained, like it should be obvious, "Come on, who's a good boy?"

Zed, very slowly, crouched down in front of her, "Ruff!"

He scooped her up in his arms as she shrieked with glee and spun her around, until something cold and wet hit the back of his neck and he dropped Zoey in surprise. Luckily, the snow cushioned her fall and she pushed herself back onto her feet. Both siblings turned to see the culprit, Zed rubbing his neck with a frown and Zoey dusting herself off. As soon as she saw the teen zombie girl, who was practically dying laughing, across the street she beamed.


Zed was too late to stop her from running over but Paizley managed to reach her, finding the least slippery patches on the ground to get there, in time to pick her up before she fell.

"Whoa, there, green bean!" she swung Zoey into the air then onto her hip and shot Zed a teasing smile, "First you drop her, then you almost let her splat on the sidewalk? This is why you need me around, Zeddy."

Relieved, Zed walked over, pouting at her, "And whose fault is it that I dropped her?"

Paizley looked away innocently and bit her lip, making Zoey giggle.

He'd known Paizley pretty much his whole life; she was like a big sister to him and had been their babysitter for the last three years. But that was more for Zoey's sake than Zed's – he wasn't always the most responsible big brother if left alone with her. And when it came to Zoey, there was a... totally serious sibling rivalry between Zed and Paizley. Very serious.

"Everybody's over at the old parking lot and the Terrible Trio started a snowball fight. They need backup."

"... They? You're not joining in?"

She shrugged, "I'm cool just watching. But Zane and the others outnumber 'em and they still haven't got a prayer. Thought I'd find some new recruits. You comin'?"

"No way," Zed shook his head and took Zoey back. Both of the girls whined but he ignored them, "We are not getting involved with those three."

"Aw, c'mon, they'll go easy on Zoey, she's too little! They're not that cruel. Maybe she could even throw 'em off."

"Oh, it's not Zoey I'm worried about! Izabelle still hasn't forgiven me for accidentally screwing up that sculpture thing she was helping Bonzo with and she is out for revenge."

Paizley cocked her head, "You always find a way to get on her bad side, don't you? Whatever, that'll just make it more entertaining, let's go!"

She stole Zoey back and took off, way too good at finding the safe spots to step on for Zed to chase her. He huffed and followed at his own pace.

By the time Zed reached the parking lot, Zoey was on Zane's shoulders with the twins on either side of him. He relaxed a little knowing at least Zane and Rizzo would keep her safe, and it did look like Izabelle, Riza and Zadie were making sure to aim away from her. Zadie, however, still somehow got Zane in the face with not a drop of snow hitting Zoey. Zed went to stand beside Paizley, who was leaning against a fence and watching the action unfold. She glanced at him.

"Finally showed up, huh? You shoulda seen it, Zoey actually hit Iza twice. One on the arm, one on the shoulder. It took everything she had not to get her back."

"What?" Zed looked from Paizley to Zoey to Izabelle, half-worried, but half-impressed, "Thank Z she's not older, she'd be dead."

"Hey!" he spun round at the sound of Izabelle's voice, a playfully mean smirk on her face as she tossed a snowball between her hands, packing in the snow tightly, "You sending your little sister to do your dirty work for ya, huh? Get over here and fight like a man, Necrodopolous!"

Zed held up his hands and backed away, "Nope, I'm good! I am staying right here. Rizzo," he pointed at her, "I'm entrusting you with Zoey!"

"Zeeeddddd, come on!" Zoey begged but he stood his ground.

Zach made the mistake of turning his back on the trio, "We could really use the help, Zed!" and he was promptly hit in the back of the head by Riza. He whipped back around to glare at her, his hand on the now damp spot on his head.

"What? Nobody called time out!" Riza grinned and beside her, Zadie chucked another snowball at Zach, getting the corner of his mouth.

"Ow! Really? Just me?"

The fight picked up again and Zed looked back at Paizley, "Yeah, I'm not risking it."

But while his back had been turned, Paizley had gathered up some snow and he was met with the ice cold pain as soon as he was finished speaking. Zed was silent for a moment then he narrowed his eyes at her, "Oh, it's on now!"

Both of them were soon drafted into the snow war.

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