High Noon Sun

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While on patrol...

It's been a few weeks since I've arrived in Forks. Lately, things have been quite quiet to say the least. I've settled in as the Night shift Patrol Officer. Things between me and Leah have gotten a lot better. I haven't noticed Maxwell or any of the Newborns that were with him in the area either. I must say, I'm starting to like this small little town...

"Unit 13 come in." The dispatcher comes over the radio. This is Unit 13, go ahead. "We have an alarm going off at Dr. Cullen's Office. Please respond. An additional unit is in route to assist." Unit 13 copies show me in route. I turn my truck around, hit my emergency light and head back in town towards Carlisle's office.

As I pull up to the Office, the Cullen's are already there along with the Wolves who are checking the area. As the other officer makes the scene, I have him block off the area while I go talk to Carlisle. I walk towards the back of the office and see Carlisle and Edward outside. Hey Carlisle, did you see anything missing? "No, not yet. We just made it here also. But whoever it was didn't know what they were looking for." Suddenly Leah in her wolf form comes out the tree line. "Well, we didn't smell anyone we've ran across before or anyone new. The others have widened the search area just to be sure." Edward translates Leah's thoughts. "She's glad to see you Jackson." Leah walks past me and puts her head next to mines. I'm glad to see you too Leah. Then she takes off towards the woods.

Well Carlisle, I will start my report. As you see things missing, just let me know. "Wait" Edward says "Be quiet, it sounds like everyone is about to leave. We will slip out through the back." "It sounds like the suspects are close." As I walk outside, I look around the area. "I think he see us. No, he doesn't, just sit tight. We are almost out of here." Edward looks at me, then takes off into the woods. Just then I adjust my eyes and see both suspects just in the woods across from the Office. As I walk towards the woods, I see both about to take off running. Suddenly you hear the Wolves howl just behind them and they come running towards the road. LET ME SEE YOUR HANDS, NOW!! GET ON THE GROUND NOW!! They both comply with the orders and I handcuff one while the other officer gets the other. "Hey cop, I swear there is a big wolf in the woods." One of the suspects says. There might just be one or two, this is Quileute land and they are descendants of Wolves or that's what I was told, placing the suspect in the back of my truck. As I went to check the area where they were, there was Leah, in human form, holding a backpack on her finger. "I think this is what they took, Officer." She says with a sexy smirk on her face. Well thank you Ma'am, this will help my report look better, recovered stolen merchandise. As she walks off, she gives me a kiss. "See you around Copper." I just laugh. You've watched to many 50's gangster movies. She turns and blows me a kiss.

After taking the suspects to jail and processing the recovered evidence, my shift is over. As I walk outside, I see Charlie pulling up. Hey Charlie, I left my report on your desk, all the evidence has been tagged and put away, and the suspects have already contacted lawyers to help make bail. "Damn Son, if I didn't know better, I would think you were gunning for my job." Charlie says with a smile. "I wouldn't be surprised if you were trying to brown nose me, Son." No Sir. Just like making sure my T's are crossed. See you later tonight Sir. As I jump in my Jeep, I see my phone light up, it's Alice. Hey, I was on my..."Hurry to the house, we have an issue." As soon as I hang up the phone, I'm heading towards the house. Once I arrive, I see Pack members standing outside talking amongst themselves. I walk into the house and into the living room. Hey what's the issue? "It's Maxwell, he's causing a lot of issues in Port Angeles. We are going to go check it out before it gets out to the news. The Pack will hang back and hold the line here just in case it's a trap. Leah and Seth will accompany us." Carlisle states. Everyone nodding agreement and heads towards the door. I shoot up to my room and change clothes then head back outside to my Jeep. Edward, Leah and Seth ride with me while Carlisle, Alice, Jasper and Emmett jump in the Mercedes. Soon we are heading towards Port Angeles.

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