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A girl born from the streets of Gotham never gets too far in life. No opportunities, no support, not even a decent meal a day. Dangers come from every corner in the dark city, trouble from where you just could get out by fighting your way to the top. Stepping on others, climbing the mountain made by the rest of the kids born from poverty and drugs.

Katherine made her name on the dark city, not a name she chose for herself but a name that was given to her. A name that made her compline on hundreds of robberies, kills and betrayals, but a name that gave her a family nevertheless. Gotham wasn't a city you could keep your innocence, or a city that battled an eye for a new kid on a dark leather suit.

But Katherine grew up, and so she moved out and on. Now, with a name given, chosen and made by herself she was just a rumor on the streets of Detroit. A silent shadow that for the right price would kill, steal or protect. But a shadow that would collapse against another anger-driven lost soul. One that carried a heavy burden, one that held that darkness ever so familiar to her. She was lost, and so was he. But this job could begin a journey to find what they were missing. 

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