XiYou POV Style Series Part 1

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Note: I'm on XiYou fanfic overload drive for four days now. Surely I am inspired to write again my own fanfic too. Let's see where this goes.

XiYou POV Style Series Part 1

My best friend Shan Cai and her husband Dao Ming Si are celebrating their 5th wedding anniversary. Time seems to fly so fast. It wasn't so long ago when both of them were having troubles keeping a relationship. Now, they're the happiest married couple I've ever seen. And Shan Cai is the most beautiful and glowing pregnant woman I've ever seen. Thankfully, she changed her mind of having Dao Ming Si wait five years. Four years is still better than five, right?
Speaking of five, Xi Men and I also just recently celebrated our fifth year anniversary as a boyfriend-girlfriend. Can you hear the sound of disappointment in my voice right now? Because that's how I am feeling lately. Oh don't get me wrong. Xi Men and I are still happily in love but... Yes, there is a but. But when is he gonna propose to me? He keeps saying he loves me, that I'm the only one for him and he wants us to be together forever. Heck! I even gave myself to him after our first official date as a couple hoping that he'd propose to me soon. Well, I kinda hoped he'd be like Dao Ming Si in that aspect. But no. And Shan Cai has been bugging me about it by the way. Actually, all of them. My parents, his parents (who fortunately are nothing like Dao Ming Feng), F3, Shan Cai, Qing He, Li Zhen, (FYI: it never worked for these two), Xiao Zi & Thomas (yes, they're together now) and would you believe even Bai He and Xinhui?! Why is the pressure on me? It's not like I'm the one who has to do all the proposing you know? So when did I start getting disappointed and frustrated about us you ask? A year ago. On our supposed to be fourth anniversary. Xi Men missed it. Oh no, he completely forgot it was our anniversary! Being the new CEO of their family business I know he's got his hands full but this was our anniversary. He made up for it a week later. Yeah, I made him feel guilty and suffer for a week which to be honest was not a good idea at all. In spite of how mad I was at him, I missed him sorely. So since then between his CEO responsibilities, his social life and our relationship, he has become totally attentive to me. Which renewed our love for each other and rekindled our passion too. Okay, I'll confess something to you but don't judge me. If Xi Men can't get a ring on my finger just yet then I'll make sure he can't delay anymore his marriage proposal. What am I saying? Oh, I've been seducing him to bed with the intention of getting pregnant. I always like to take matters into my own hands. Take charge. Take action. I know Xi Men has a tendency to be passive about us and I admit I made him too comfortable and too complacent about us. But no more. I'm done with that. I look myself at the mirror right now. I'm all dressed for the dinner celebration with my friends. I hope Xi Men will notice there's a subtle change in me now. And maybe, just maybe, he'll do what I've been waiting and hoping for since that day on the rooftop. Jiang Xiao You, jiayou!

This day is a mess! Nothing's going right with today's board meeting. I just can't seem to fix the problems with our low sales count over the past year. I've only been made CEO for over a year and already I've plunged our family business into its lowest level in its over a hundred years of history. I'm gonna be the death of my father who entrusted to me the entire family business. I've been doing all I can but I just seemed incapable of bringing up the sales and all. I've had my friends helped me out. Contacts and connections tapped but nothing seemed to work. I'm at a loss here. As if that's not enough I also have relationship problems. After unintentionally doing the unforgivable in a serious relationship (I completely forgot Xiao You and I's fourth year anniversary), I've been doing my hardest and bestest to be the perfect boyfriend again to her. And it worked. Things have been smoothed between us but (of course there's a but!) I feel like she's unhappy and unsatisfied with me lately. She hasn't told me so herself but I can sense it. After our lovemaking she thinks I'm already asleep but what she doesn't know was that sometimes I only pretend to be asleep. I've often heard her crying in the bathroom and muttering to herself, "please, please, please let it be this time." I don't know what she meant by that. But this morning I knew what it all meant. I was the last to use the bathroom and my razor accidentally fell on the floor and landed near the trash bin. I bent down to pick it up and that's when I noticed something new on the trash bin. A used pregnancy kit. I was shocked and curious of course. I picked the stick and saw two pink lines on it. I'm not ignorant. I know what the two lines meant. Xiao You is pregnant. I used to be a playboy and I have slept with over a dozen of women before I met Xiao You. Safe sex is a must. But when I started dating Xiao You, I don't know but I just didn't feel comfortable using protection. So in the last 5 years I guess you could say I've been lucky I haven't gotten her pregnant. However, this year, luck isn't on my side. Or maybe luck is actually on my side. I don't know how to process everything just yet. Is this a good news or a bad news? My parents have been hinting several times now that I should marry Xiao You already. I did plan to propose to her but with the problems I'm facing with the business it doesn't seem right to do so. I love Xiao You with all of my heart. She's the only one for me. After Xiao Geng I thought I could never love another girl but I did and I am so glad it is Xiao You. My soulmate. My best friend. My true love. So what's stopping me? Pride? Ego? I'm a man. I need to prove something to my woman. That I am truly deserving of her love, of her heart... And of our baby. Oh dear! Our baby. Suddenly my mind became filled with images of little Xiao You and little Xi Men. That made me smile for the first time since this morning. Huh. A baby. Seems like fatherhood is not just for my best friend Ah Si but me as well. My mother can finally stop nagging me about having a grandchild. She's about to become a grandmother. I checked my wristwatch. I still have two hours before the dinner celebration of Ah Si and Shan Cai's fifth wedding anniversary. They are in for a surprise tonight. I can finally take out that blue velvet box out of my secret drawer inside my closet. It's been in there for far too long. I, Xi Men Yan, am gonna be the best fiance ever!


© Franzz P. Follow on Instagram @onceinalifetimearc2018
Date written: November 27-28, 2018

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