Now please, direct your attention this way-

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My name is Sam and I am a hot mess, nice to meet your acquaintance. 

ahghghgghg,, damn it, make not meet

So,, I talk about myself instead of finishing my three final essays I have due in the morning, ( that's like five hours away fhiasdgjfsaghk )

So,, uh-

I swear, constantly so if you don't like that, one please express that to me and two, probably go if I worsen-

I have a tendency to overact and get frustrated and angry easily.

I am also, very, very, loud. Theater kid, you know.

I have no talent but I do try to draw-

Former ballerina, which was quite dull actually.

Celloist, martial artist, swimmer, fencer, and basically just a real-life bard.

Also, I basically live on fiction, especially stuff like d&d, vampire; the masquerade etc.

The meme king of my school, which is actually quite impressive.


Professional Poet, part of a team called "The Four Queers and the One Straight Kid" and we are trying to get into nationals next year hfdshfdadsjasdhij

Has chronic great unhappy

I am an extrovert with no friends, please socialize with me,, if I don't get attention I cease to exist-

Very much a nerd and geek

where the hell is my train of thought?

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